View Full Version : not secure

14-03-2020, 09:31 AM
anyone know why RE site is showing not secure ?

14-03-2020, 01:37 PM
It doesn't show like that on my Android tablet but it could be due to your computer safety software settings.

This site does not perform money transactions so does not require a secure "https" IRL and may therefore trigger a non-secure warning.

Mind you, I could be wrong.

14-03-2020, 08:02 PM
You are correct Brian. Chrome always shows that if it is not HTTPS

16-03-2020, 12:38 PM
Chrome and firefox will show the site as unsecure, as (unbelievably) the site has absolute no SSL (HTTPS) enabled

The forum admin should contact their host - there is a huge effort to depreciate HTTP, and HTTPS is becoming mandatory with browsers starting to block sites that don't implement it. In any case it will be hurting your SEO score with the search browsers

If your host doesn't provide it as standard, then you can look at Mozilla backed Lets Encrypt (if your host is in the position to implement it - they should, but some don't)

And it's actually REALLY BAD that that HTTPS is not implemented on at least the login screen. That's a serious security issue that should be attended to

27-03-2020, 08:45 PM
not matter just ignore it