View Full Version : Control for two dampers

23-02-2020, 02:22 AM
I want to add a return air damper (450mm) to fully isolate my living area zone (ducted system). It uses supply air dampers only for on/off control of the four zones, main living and three bedrooms, but there is excessive leakage back to the living room return air when running the bedrooms. I don't care so much about leakage the other way when the main living is running alone.
It seems from what I can find out, the Touchpad zone control TP4-24, can only handle one damper motor (24V). Is there a simple add on control to boost the output to 2 dampers, of do I need to rig up a relay interface?

23-02-2020, 10:41 AM
If you have a supply air damper installed already that isolates the living area when you only want the bedrooms cooling then you can just add a damper into the return air duct and wire the dampers in parallel. All you need to do is make sure that both dampers open and close the same way i.e. 24v signal, dampers closed, no signal, dampers open. Or vice versa.
Have a look at the 24v Belimo range of dampers

03-03-2020, 08:30 AM
Thanks Frank. You think the controller will handle two dampers on one output then?

03-03-2020, 09:58 AM
You need to determine what the output of your controller is rated at in Watts or Amps and then add the ratings of two dampers to see if it is less than the controller output. If it is, then you are good to go.