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View Full Version : Looking to engage a consulting engineer to develop a chilled water system

Cyril Silberman
23-02-2020, 01:15 AM
My firm is constructing a new hybrid electric marine vessel with unique HVAC requirements. The vessel will require about 15 tons of chilled water for A/C about 15% of the time and about 3 tons for 85% of the time on an annual basis. This project needs to be built around either a Copland digital scroll compressor or a Danfoss variable speed unit with a custom made condenser submerged in sea water.
No circulating sea water is allowed within the vessel thus most existing units cannot be employed. I'm currently looking for a qualified individual or firm to join our engineering firm to help develop this device. Please connect by email; csilberman@uni-systems.com

23-02-2020, 07:41 AM
If you have 3 Tons requirement 85% of time, than it is better to consider 2 or 3 stage unit rather than 1 since efficiency of 15 Tons compressor at 20% load will be poor no matter if compressor is variable speed or Digital scroll type. I would consider 1 inverter compresor of 3 Tons and 2 fixed (4 and 5 Tons). And some PLC to drive that.

23-02-2020, 06:51 PM
The Institiute of Refrigeration in the UK has a webpage with a number of consultants, none though seem to specialize in marine. https://ior.org.uk/about/technical-guidance

The International Institute or Refrigeration seems to have a similar webpage, not very clear what each person specialises in. http://www.iifiir.org (http://www.iifiir.org/clientBookline/recherche/executerRechercheprogress.asp?INSTANCE=exploitation&PORTAL_ID=&TRI=TRI_NOM_EXPERT&STAXON=&LTAXON=) --> Information resources --> Expertise Directory.

A quick look and I couldnt see anything on the ASHRAE website.

Maybe it would be worth contacting the institutes and see if they can recommend anyone to contact.

This company my be worth having a look at, UK based though. http://www.westbeynon.co.uk/

Cyril Silberman
04-03-2020, 01:54 AM
Thanks for your comment. So far no response to my request, I may have to tackle this myself. You are correct, most likely the final solution will provide at least two compressors, one larger than the other. They will probably both be variable speed and equipped with a solenoid valve to prevent gas transfer when cycling.
The difficult part of this job is to design and build a heat exchanger/condenser that can be submerged in sea water, probably constructed out of cooper Nickle. The problem is the required gas pressure in the range of 500 PSI with this alloy. The rest of the system is straight forward, I need an expert to help fine tune the design.

04-03-2020, 06:53 PM
Could you trade off some efficiency and use a coolant loop from a refrigerant plate heat exchanger to seawater exchanger, that would get rid of the pressure problem? Or a bigger efficiency drop using an air cooled condenser?

05-03-2020, 07:49 AM
Got to be someone in that region, maybe like this link!
