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02-06-2006, 07:08 AM
Hi sir
Do you know anything about the machine which produce pure water from air dehumidifying? Is it feasible in desert? it's not a bad profuct if it's OK in desert:)


US Iceman
02-06-2006, 03:00 PM

What kind of "machine" is this?

Can you post some links please?

There is not very much moisture in the desert air.:confused:

05-06-2006, 08:12 AM
Hi Iceman
I've found an article for this topic and it's a air dehumidifier:) is it a potential product?

below for ref:
Machine turns humidity into drinking water
June 2002
U.S. Water News Online

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. -- Imagine creating crystal-pure water out of thin air.

It's being done now in the office of Grand Junction businessman Tim Stubbs.

Stubbs believes the invention, called a Vapaire, will improve drinking water supplies for people throughout the world.

The Vapaire is an innocuous-looking machine the size of a typical water dispenser. It offers two options: cold water for a summer refreshment or hot water for a cup of tea.

It quietly hums, much like a water cooler.

The hum collects water from the ambient humidity while purifying the air at the same time. Thick, humid air of the Midwest or East Coast works better than the dry air of western Colorado.

Still, Stubbs said, the Vapaire can collect up to five gallons daily of pure water here in Grand Junction during certain times of the year.

The novel idea is a modified version of a dehumidifier.

Often found in humid areas, dehumidifiers do just that -- they extract water vapor from the air. Typically, people who operate dehumidifiers need to empty slimy water every day from the machines.

The Vapaire adds several filters to a similar process -- it cleans the air and makes the water drinkable.

San Antonio resident Terry LeBleu invented the machine in the 1980s and brought the idea to Salt Lake City businessmen Doug Lloyd and Steve Thomsen.

``We were so taken by the idea that we solicited Sigfried Biere,'' an engineer who further refined the Vapaire's design, Thomsen said.

Lloyd recently visited the Korean factory where the first 60 Vapaires to be sold on the open market rolled off the assembly line. All of those machines have been sold.

One of the first Vapaires manufactured sits in Stubbs' office.

Stubbs, who owns businesses in Grand Junction and Salt Lake City, became acquainted with Thomsen and Lloyd in Utah. The duo hired Stubbs and his partner, Lindsey Coleman, to sell Vapaires in the United States and Mexico through their Pure Water Solutions distributorship.

Stubbs touts the machine as providing a healthier alternative to bottled and tap water for U.S. markets. The cost for electricity and air filters for a Vapaire comes to about $18 a month, Stubbs said.

It is believed the Vapaire can help people who live in Third World countries, where water sources are either scarce or impure.

``This could have a real positive impact worldwide,'' Stubbs said.

``We want to help people who hike five miles a day for water with jugs on their heads,'' he said. ``It's the evolution of water.''

Groundwater and surface water sources in developed countries can contain impurities from gasoline, oil, pesticides, herbicides and other pollution, Stubbs said.

The water in the Vapaire is so pure because air must travel through two air filters before being collected in a vessel inside the machine, Stubbs said. There, the water is further filtered.

Stubbs and others plan to market the machine to people who have diseases that require them to drink pure water.

``With bottled water, the only thing you can be sure of is that you're getting water in a bottle,'' Stubbs said.

``There is not anything else like this available.''

05-06-2006, 09:12 PM
This will be normal distillated water and I heard once that you can't drink distillated water because there no mineral in it which can cause harm to your metabolism.
Don't know if it's true.

Some of my client - I know at least 3 becuase we gave them the idea - use the drain of the coolers for filling the batetries of their reach-trucks and collect it in a closed plastic jar with a valve at the bottom and a drain at the top of the jar.

chillin out
05-06-2006, 10:10 PM
If you are going to humph a big machine around and a generator to run it, then you might as well carry a big container of water.

Good idea though LC.

Just think it's a bit impractical.

Chillin:) :)

05-06-2006, 10:59 PM
Well, middle east countries have energy at low cost, but water is scarce or non existent in places.
For them, it could be a good possibility.
It's true demi water is unhealthy, but adding minerals is easy and cheap.
Besides, desalters have been working for many years, especially in Lebanon and Israel. The side effect is a progressive concentration of clorides in the soil, with negative effects on vegetation and crops.

Johnny Rod
06-06-2006, 11:46 AM
Drinking distilled water won't harm your metabolism but if you had access to nothing else then I guess your electrolytes may end up out of balance after some time, but really there is usually enough of most minerals in the food you eat. Sounds like a good idea.

06-06-2006, 11:53 AM
Drinking distilled water won't harm your metabolism but if you had access to nothing else then I guess your electrolytes may end up out of balance after some time, but really there is usually enough of most minerals in the food you eat. Sounds like a good idea.

I thknk there is a difference between demi and distilled water (which I don't know).
What I know is that demi water is chemically active, because h20 is a very good solvent, and as such it tends to dilute anything it comes across. That is why in processes where demi water is used, inhibitors are added.

08-09-2006, 05:05 AM
``We want to help people who hike five miles a day for water with jugs on their heads,'' he said. `

If they live in a location where this is necessary, what are the chances they have .......electricity to run the machine?

Maybe the answer is to fit an exercise bike with a generator to power the machine?

ps: I am not making fun of the people who live in these conditions. My heart goes out to them. But the statement quoted just sounded bizzare to me.

08-09-2006, 07:29 AM
If they live in a location where this is necessary, what are the chances they have .......electricity to run the machine?

And, if they live in the desert, there's no moist in the air.

08-09-2006, 01:21 PM
I'm surprised, these machines are not new, have a look at one of many manufacturers,


By next week it will be cheap and Chinees;)


Abby Normal
08-09-2006, 10:38 PM
I believe the highest dewpoint recorded was in Saudi Arabia. Persian Gulf is quite humid.

I have a couple 100% outside air units 2250 CFM, in the rainy season the dewpoint is about 26 to 27 C, so they could make upwards to 1500L a day of water.

I looked at a few systems and they involved filtration and then either chlorine, ozone or UV to kill microbes, to be deemed potable water.

Be some excellent quality water, just the equipment cost to treat then store/pressurize the water was about US 30K.

Our drinking water is RO, not many minerals in it but a tiny trace of salt. Has not hurt my metabolisim, but loves to eat copper hot water lines :)

08-09-2006, 10:45 PM
It takes less energy to recover water from sea with reverse osmosys.
Nertheless, you were quite right about the dewpoint, the highest ever recorded was in Dubai with 33°C, 93°F

Abby Normal
10-09-2006, 02:01 AM
It can be a by product of a ventilation system,especially 100% outside air. In the example I mentioned earlier, tha facility is rated for a Cat 5 hurricane. Had a large fuel supply, full redundant back up generators.

It is not that difficult to survive a hit from a big storm, but the prolonged aftermath is quite an ordeal. 1500 L a day when the infastructure is down is pretty good. I speak from the perspective of living through an aftermath.

I read somewhere that a place Dhahran in Saudi had a 35C dewpoint recorded.

11-09-2006, 11:18 PM
Hi guys , those machines already exists in the arab gulf market since 2 years as far as i go .
I had a note about the design and about drinking the distillied water thing .
The distillied water will pass in a porous cube that contains minerals as solids and the minerals will be solved in water to make it identicall to the mineral water , the percentage of solubility of the minerals is proportional to the volumetric flow of water. This cube will be changed after and indicator (red led) indicates that "There should be a sensor that senses the percentage of minerals in the water , if the percentage drops that the cube should be changed".

I searched for the notes but couldn't find any of it , the information are from between my ears.

Respects and regards

12-09-2006, 12:54 AM
Some of my client - I know at least 3 becuase we gave them the idea - use the drain of the coolers for filling the batetries of their reach-trucks and collect it in a closed plastic jar with a valve at the bottom and a drain at the top of the jar.

I thought the water was no-good for this as soon as it comes into contact with metal ? (like the case of the cooler, coper pipes etc..) ??

12-09-2006, 02:47 AM
Hi botrous,
Hope you can share your notes and some of those in between your ears.
am also interested in this product for my clients in fishing industry.
they are currently bringing water (2-4 weeks requirement) from port before going to fishing ground.

Just wanted to learn more and if possible have one to test it for this market.

Abby Normal
12-09-2006, 04:05 AM
I think even munters had a system

12-09-2006, 08:47 PM
Hi botrous,
Hope you can share your notes and some of those in between your ears.
am also interested in this product for my clients in fishing industry.
they are currently bringing water (2-4 weeks requirement) from port before going to fishing ground.

Just wanted to learn more and if possible have one to test it for this market.

I will search for the notes but I'm not sure I'll find it , I don't really remember where I puted it , it might be at the mountains house .
As of for what's between my ears , the only way to get it out is to ask ... I mean specify what you need , and if it exists in any folder of my between ears hard disk , I'll share it with you and the others :D

Respects and regards

13-09-2006, 02:25 AM
Hi Botrous
I hope to know it too. But I doubt if it's needed by fishing boat for it usually bring enough drinking water along with.


Abby Normal
13-09-2006, 04:23 AM
Maybe munters sold it off. There was another company in Florida as well. It was basically a condensate treatment process.

Munters and GEA have agreed that GEA will take over all of Munters assets and activities in the Water business. The Water business, which is part of Munters HumiCool Division, produces and sells products for waste and potable water treatment and for cooling towers. The business had sales of 63 SEK million in 2005.

"It is a logical step for Munters since the Water business has limited synergies with our core business. Munters had a similar business in the USA, which was divested in 1995. This structural change enables us to focus on our selected target areas", says Hannu Saastamoinen, President, Division HumiCool.

The agreement is dated 31 January 2006 and will be subject to approval by the antitrust authorities. The new structure will slightly improve Munters earnings. The one-time effects of the transaction will be slightly positive. The operations in Germany and

13-09-2006, 06:55 AM
I once saw on a fishing boat a unit which made pure water for ice production out of salt seawater.
This was done by the waste heat of the main generator onboard.

Abby Normal
13-09-2006, 04:36 PM
Freezing water will drive salt out.

13-09-2006, 05:00 PM
Hi Peter_1

How's the saltwater converted?
Kind of heat recovery system?

Pls. note that the fishing boats am referring have no refrigeration system.
These are Big Tuna handline boats that brings ice and few weeks supply of food & water.

Abby Normal
13-09-2006, 05:44 PM
search 'melt ponds'. Maybe see some pictures of Inuit (eskimoes) drinking water melted on top of sea ice.



I think the WHO defines potable water as having less than 1000 PPM salt. Our municipal supply here is all RO, and it is under 200 PPM salt.

Abby Normal
13-09-2006, 06:24 PM
Another article http://www.wmconlon.com/papers/IATC92.pdf#search='water%20purification%20by%20freezing'

144 btu/pound to freeze vs 1000 btu/lb to boil

13-09-2006, 08:29 PM
Hi Botrous
I hope to know it too. But I doubt if it's needed by fishing boat for it usually bring enough drinking water along with.


hi LC , I'm still diggig for those file but no success till now :eek:

Respects and regards

ding dong
13-09-2006, 09:17 PM
your talking abut a device that was invented in israel .
it combines a cooling device with sells that provide the electricity from the sun/
that means it dosent need a generator
i olso think the us army but some units


Oregon Jim
01-04-2008, 12:12 PM
There was a system described on the news that the military is testing in Iraq. Desiccant absorbs water from the atmosphere and is collected when the desiccant is regenerated. It appears to be a very efficient system and it is far cheaper to operate than a refrigeration unit for collecting water. It is such a good and simple idea that I am amazed that it isn't commonplace....

07-04-2008, 03:17 PM
I had seen one in our town, It was mad ein Singapore. But the water capacity was almost 20 lits per day. That water is tasteless & one has to add few salts into it. The company was also providing the salts with that unit.

02-05-2008, 09:23 PM
hi, is it ok if you use soap in cleaning fridges?

10-05-2008, 12:02 AM
I thknk there is a difference between demi and distilled water (which I don't know).
What I know is that demi water is chemically active, because h20 is a very good solvent, and as such it tends to dilute anything it comes across. That is why in processes where demi water is used, inhibitors are added.

I believe demineralized water is a generic definition of water without impurities (pure H2O, no minerals). Distilled water is a kind of demineralized water that is obtained from distillation. Demi water can be made by other processes, like adsorption, membranes, etc...

26-02-2009, 12:25 PM
I had seen one in our town, It was mad ein Singapore. But the water capacity was almost 20 lits per day. That water is tasteless & one has to add few salts into it. The company was also providing the salts with that unit.

i like to know where did u see the machine in india.can i get the name of town so that i can visit