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View Full Version : R412A refrigerant gas. Help me!!!

22-05-2006, 03:55 PM
Dear Friends:

I needs to buy a R412A gas refrigerant. I have a low temerature freezer (-80ºC), with two stages. A low compressor is dead, and i needs to change a compressor. But the big problem, is i cannot to found a R412 buyer!!!. Please, can you tell me where i can to buy it refrigerant or a replacement?. Which is the appropiate oil to use?. Thanks your very much, i needs this information urgently. I apologize my english please.

The MG Pony
22-05-2006, 09:48 PM
Can you not recover the gas as this will be needed no matter what, Use a couple new filter dryers to clean the gas as it comes into the tank, then once replaced of the dead one refill with your gas?

22-05-2006, 10:55 PM
Have a look also at this thread....

12-09-2009, 04:46 PM
:off topic::cool:
Dear Friends:

I needs to buy a R412A gas refrigerant. I have a low temerature freezer (-80ºC), with two stages. A low compressor is dead, and i needs to change a compressor. But the big problem, is i cannot to found a R412 buyer!!!. Please, can you tell me where i can to buy it refrigerant or a replacement?. Which is the appropiate oil to use?. Thanks your very much, i needs this information urgently. I apologize my english please.

16-09-2009, 12:41 PM
Hi Patrickjota.

If it is the low stage/second stage is is weird if the gas should be R412A. That one has a boiling point of just -38,1c at abs.1bar If the maker use an Asian made ICI the label could say TP5R and that is R412A. If the label tells TP5R3, it is the low temperature gas 508A. If so, you could use 508B. If it is the high stage/first stage, the R412A could be the one you are looking for. ICI use the name Arcton for the TP seriesI forgot to tell.