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View Full Version : Samsung Smart Inverter AQV12 and AR12

10-03-2017, 06:32 PM

It's possible to connect this 2 devices and to make them to communicate?

I have indoor device AQV12
with 3 pin connectors
N(1) 1 2
|____| |
220v COM

Outdoor device AR12
with 4 pin connectors
N L F1 F2
|____| |____|
220v COM

I have found technical manual for indoor device

And there are explained both of devices, but I don't see nothing how to connect between them...


The Viking
10-03-2017, 07:15 PM
Sorry Stefan,
They are from different ranges and different generations therefore will not "speak" to each other.


11-03-2017, 03:21 PM
Sorry Stefan,
They are from different ranges and different generations therefore will not "speak" to each other.


Thanks for you reply,
I'm not eletrician but as I see on the manual and on the interior board
N(1) and 2 they comes to CORE also F1 and F2 comes in CORE
and after CORE they go to CN71 connector white connector with 3 pins that I have on the board
I measured on the board and it's like on the schematic

Also I have CN21 on the board...

Maybe there it's a solution to connect the second wire on the board :cool:
As I see the boards are 90% similar ...


11-03-2017, 03:43 PM
Also on the exterior board F1 and F2 comes to COMUNICATION on the second 2 comes to COM. then second pin from COM comes to SKY BLUE on C006 but I think I can connect it on the interior board ... I need only to measure the outdoor board to see the continuity

The Viking
11-03-2017, 05:28 PM
But if you connect the wires, and manage to get communications going, it will be like us speaking our native languages - we just wouldn't understand each other.
You speaking Romanian(?) and me speaking Swedish, the only way we understand each other here on the board is because we both translate to and from English. Sadly there isn't a common language or a translator for the units you are looking at, at least not one endorsed by Samsung.


The Viking
11-03-2017, 05:35 PM
If you want further support, to see what options are available, do not hesitate to contact my colleagues in Romania.
Their website is:http://www.samsung.com/ro/support/ and there you will find contact telephone numbers and email addresses.

Happy hunting.


11-03-2017, 06:04 PM
Thank you for a very good explanation :cool:

I understand now, but I still think that it's a way to connect it, because the MB are similar ...
Sure it's something there to change...

Thank you again!
Have a nice day! :D