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View Full Version : Shrimps Brine Freezing

11-05-2006, 03:00 PM
Hi! Friends

Any one of you could tell me about the reaction of Brine Solution (-17.8C) on Polysterene Trays. Please suggest best suitable material to be used for packing trays for freezing shrimps in brine showering system and later in tunnel freezer.

The Temperature of brine and tunnel should not deform(brittle)the trays.


US Iceman
11-05-2006, 03:22 PM
Hi refac-45,

Welcome to the RE site.

Is it possible to freeze the shrimp first and then place them on the trays?

It sounds from your description that you are freezing the shrimp in the trays.

This sounds like an interesting problem.

Best Regards,
US Iceman

refac-45, this forum "New to RE" is to allow new members to introduce themselves. I am asking one of the Moderators to move this thread into a better location.

Note to Mod for this forum: Can you move this to an appropriate forum please?

12-05-2006, 08:05 PM
Hi, Refac-45 :)

Hi! Friends

Any one of you could tell me about the reaction of Brine Solution (-17.8C) on Polysterene Trays. Please suggest best suitable material to be used for packing trays for freezing shrimps in brine showering system and later in tunnel freezer.

The Temperature of brine and tunnel should not deform(brittle)the trays.


Can you, explain this little more, please? Maybe some photo or schematic diagram? Sounds very interesting!

Is this freezing line of some known manufacturer?

Best regards,

Josip :)

12-05-2006, 08:24 PM
In the past, we have used a specialist contractor to freeze some heating pipework to change a stuck valve.

The guy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the pipe. He pours the liquid nitrogen into a gallon paint tin from the flask and then uses a polystyrene cup to pour the nitrogen into the "parcel" around the pipe, hence freezing the pipe contents.

The polystyrene cup does not appear to suffer any undue harm, and i'm informed that it has proved to be the ideal material to do the job.

If polystyrene can cope with liquid nitrogen then I don't see a problem using it with frozen shrimps :)