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View Full Version : Daikin SkyAir Wiring

06-08-2016, 03:30 PM
Hey all,

Haven't posted for a while but come across a bit of a strange one on this job.

Outdoor to indoor unit wiring.

Outdoor is on 3ph, with 4 core to indoor unit, terminals 1,2,3,E. The units are literally powering up to full fan mode on the indoor and there is no activity on outdoor at all, apart from HAP blinking healthily and Red off.

Now, on inspecting the wiring, it goes:(outdoor to indoor)

3-condensate pump-return to 3.

As far as I am aware, terminal 3 is a data bearer as is 2, so could that be causing the units to be fan only? Irony is that there is no condensate for it to shift away :confused:

Just doesn't seem to make any sense!

Cheers as always :cool:

06-08-2016, 08:35 PM
The data line should NEVER be passed through any form of switch or link.

08-08-2016, 06:52 AM
The data line should NEVER be passed through any form of switch or link.

Ok bit more info....

Traced the wires back (through ceiling void, yay :( ), and line3 was being interrupted by the alarm circuit of the float pump. It's currently running just fine in emergency run mode, however this isn't ideal as the client has no control over the unit.

So I've put the wiring back to how it should be, and the unit still isn't firing up the outdoor unit without emergency mode on both. Is there a way of discriminating between an indoor PCB fault and outdoor PCB fault? There's no error codes or anything flagging up. Lots of head scratching going on though!!!

Thanks so far :)

08-08-2016, 06:52 AM
Oh, error LED on outdoor is off, and all 3 HAP led are blinking steadily

16-08-2016, 09:30 PM
You don't say what model you have but with the old Daikin stuff, terminal 2 was the data and 3 was the neutral.

With the newer Daikin, 2 is neutral and 3 is data.

As your system has terminal 3 going through the condensate pump, I would assume that it is the newer Daikin you have.

To eliminate the pump and data wiring error, I would run a temporary wire between indoor and outdoor unit terminal 3 and see if this solves the problem. If the unit runs in emergency, this only proves that the compressor is OK, it doesn't test the comms on the pcb's.