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View Full Version : Very very strange??..an american perspective??

27-04-2006, 08:55 PM
So after a few drinks and a conversation about the fact that I was stationed with the americans in germany whilst being a weapons tech with the british army (REME)..the conversation got around to american history and the war of independence...my american friend said (in so many words) that at the time of the war of independence the american people had decided that they did not want to be governed by an idiot(see history books) called george who was only in the position that he was in because a previous incumbent had been a relative?????

Karl Hofmann
28-04-2006, 08:47 AM
I love American logic. On another site that I frequent, I do find it fun just to crank their handles a little bit, fortunately we all get on pretty well and don't take it too seriously.

But don't mention the war, they don't like it, you know:D

28-04-2006, 07:36 PM
But don't mention the war, they don't like it, you know

I thought that was Germans.



p.s. it's not rat it's Siberian hamster.

28-04-2006, 09:56 PM
I thought that was Germans.



p.s. it's not rat it's Siberian hamster.
And his name is Basil. KE?:D

Karl Hofmann
29-04-2006, 12:29 AM
Oh do please forgive him, he's from Barcelona:D

Karl Hofmann
29-04-2006, 12:31 AM
Oh Mr Fawlty, He put Basil in the ratatouille:eek:

Karl Hofmann
29-04-2006, 03:46 AM
The very mention of Iraq, Guantanamo bay or Vietnam really gets 'em going:D

Some of them actually believe that they won the Vietnam war:confused:

29-04-2006, 03:53 AM
The very mention of Iraq, Guantanamo bay or Vietnam really gets 'em going

Some of them actually believe that they won the Vietnam war

Somehow, I don't feel your love, Karl. :)

The MG Pony
29-04-2006, 04:01 AM
They're an odd breed indeed but most are decant, it's when you look at them as a whole it gets rather bleak.

I realy hope they get their own country in order.

29-04-2006, 10:52 AM
But didn't America win World War II single-handed? That's how it seems when you watch American-made films:D

Karl Hofmann
29-04-2006, 11:08 AM
Somehow, I don't feel your love, Karl. :)

LOL We are all pretty good buddies on the other site, and the arguments are pretty good natured, but the all American hero does get a bit of a bashing from my corner.

It was just an observation as to what gets an American all wound up:D

Karl Hofmann
29-04-2006, 11:10 AM
But didn't America win World War II single-handed? That's how it seems when you watch American-made films:D

He He, and Bruce Willis always saves the world with his bulletproof string vest:D

Renato RR
06-05-2006, 09:22 AM
United Kingdom = United states,you guys all the time try to unite somethinng.
Americans want to unite all oil rigs in the world in big America but in the past England try to unite Scotland,Ireland and alot of others countrys in Big England.So it is realy small diference betwen two ideologies.

I R E L A N D or I need history leson.Why we have so many Irish people in the USA.
Becose they like to live in Ulster.


07-05-2006, 05:31 AM
United Kingdom = United states,you guys all the time try to unite somethinng.
Americans want to unite all oil rigs in the world in big America but in the past England try to unite Scotland,Ireland and alot of others countrys in Big England.So it is realy small diference betwen two ideologies.

I R E L A N D or I need history leson.Why we have so many Irish people in the USA.
Becose they like to live in Ulster.

Whenever I hear a phrase such as "you guys" my antenna rises. I am now separated from the person speaking, instead of part of that person. More than likely, I am assumed a sort of enemy or stupid person.

Most Irish immigration occurred during the potato blight, if that answers any important question. I guess the next answer is that Irish were Catholic and making love was directly related to reproducing, so large families resulted.

My surname, "Murphy" is one of the more common Irish names and in American dictionaries defined as a potato, much to my chagrin.

I think the word "United" is a good word and an ideal to achieve. I do not take lightly to humans who perceive it as a negativity. But I am willing to listen to good argument.

Karl Hofmann
07-05-2006, 11:09 AM
United we stand, divided we fall.

07-05-2006, 12:01 PM
Heres some info I picked up in todays Times. In the Jasper Conrad section.

The USA loaned the UK 21 Billion ( thats total with interest) for its war needs in second world war.

The British government is making the final payment, 45 Million soon, no more owed after that!!

According to the paper, when it comes to national interest and hard business, the US dont take freindship or discounts into account!!

That 21 billion loaned , to be fair, could be argued helped Britain win the war.

07-05-2006, 05:00 PM
Somehow we have divided a ball into something called East and West. The North and South part make a modicum of sense since we are on a magnetic spindle of sorts. East and West? It has never made sense to me, and regrettably it seems to be an unnecessary division between good people. It is the human condition that we permit leaders who create this arbitrary divide. I am frustrated that I cannot fix it.

But it is nice to visit amongst the East and the West and the North and the South to discuss refrigeration issues.

I can only hope our leaders are privy to such free communication :)

07-05-2006, 05:01 PM
One thing that really got up my nose the last time I visited the US - which by the way I love :) was the old Immigration Service.

On the plane and you fill in the Visa Waiver form, then after leaving the plane you patiently stand in line for 30 minutes to speak to an Officer. Stand here, look at the camera etc. - and then the annoying bit - "Hey, I don't recognise this, you've put English for your nationality instead of United Kingdom" ?????????????

Where do these guys train?

I'm English and proud of it. There is no such nationality called United Kingdom :mad:

Since the early 70's we haven't even been United (Northern Ireland conflict).

07-05-2006, 10:11 PM
Somehow we have divided a ball into something called East and West. The North and South part make a modicum of sense since we are on a magnetic spindle of sorts. East and West? It has never made sense to me, and regrettably it seems to be an unnecessary division between good people. It is the human condition that we permit leaders who create this arbitrary divide. I am frustrated that I cannot fix it.

But it is nice to visit amongst the East and the West and the North and the South to discuss refrigeration issues.

I can only hope our leaders are privy to such free communication :)

Life is stratified, and never the twain shall meet
We stratify along colour, cultural and religious lines
Birds of a feather.....