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View Full Version : School Project

25-04-2006, 02:39 AM
First i would like to congratulate all you out there one day i hope to be just like you but for now im stuck behind a desk.... and life goes on :eek:
i have to start on my project, the topic is "Describe the application, operation and service problems for dehydrators, suction filters and liquid moisture indicators." i searched the web but found little information my next big step is to hit the local library and sniff through the shelfs, i hope my allergies wont bother me to much. if you guys have any information that you would like to share with me or find any interesting information plz post them as it will be a great help.

im hoping that im posting this in the right section

US Iceman
25-04-2006, 04:30 AM
Try searching the following website:


Look in the literature section for information about selection and application of driers and site glasses. You should be able to pick up some good information there.

Good luck on the project.

26-04-2006, 11:40 AM
Great site
lots of usefull information thanks.