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View Full Version : Fujitsu AJH288LNLAH problem

Ahmed Najeeb
19-01-2015, 04:45 PM
So i am working on installing a system of AJH288LNLAH combination, and after installing and successfully operating the system the owners requested some pipes rerouting, so the representatives hired a sub-contractor to do the job, and so they've asked him to perform a pump down on the system and he did during which time i wasn't there, then they've asked me to follow u with him, so during final steps he forgot to close the three way valve during pump down operation, therefore upon performing air tight test, the nitrogen which we use found it's way inside the outdoor units, so we've vacuumed the outdoor units and evacuated all refrigerant completely, but during charging up the refrigerant my boss was attending and he held the charging procedure, he charged the refrigerant through the gas port, not only that he asked that the additional charge remains unchanged from where the pipes were first located, meaning he requested that we don't measure liquid pipe length to determine additional charge.

So everything is good and we've successfully started the system, but on commissioning, we've found that the master outdoor unit AJH126 stops after several minutes from running the system, not only that but also the two slave units AJH72 and AJH90, having abnormal temperature of refrigerant at the fan coils, it's supposed to enter at 10c and leave at approximately 11c, but instead it enters at 20 or 18 and leaves close to that, so the cooling is severally affected and compromised.

please if you have any idea of what might be the cause of this reply as soon as possible, and thank you very much. and also could you tell me what are the possible consequences with adding refrigerant through gas pipe, and adding refrigerant more than prescribed.