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View Full Version : Cooled trailer: I have a question ?

13-08-2014, 09:16 PM
Hi guys, first i wan't to appologize for the mistakes i will do. I'm french, forgive me. So I want to install a cooling system in a isolated trailer. I found a used system but it's an hermetic compressor and i was wondering if usually they use semi-hermetic in case of a damage during the transport caused by the vibration and if somebody is familiar with those types of instalations and he can confirm me that i can use a hermetic without major risk. By the way the system is not working during the transport it will be use for canteen storage when they go on festival and thing like that. The electricity is supply by the events 208v plugs. ( medium temperature ) Thank you guys !

14-08-2014, 07:25 PM
If the roads are in good condition a fully hermetic would be ok son e over here use the zanotti monobloc units gm 1,2,3 other makers of similar units are no doubt available

16-08-2014, 03:43 PM
Vector 1550 uses copeland scroll hermeric comp and from what i can gather they have had 2 failures in 3 years if thays any hepl but it depemds on what make and model of unit your going for

16-08-2014, 11:11 PM
If the roads are in good condition a fully hermetic would be ok son e over here use the zanotti monobloc units gm 1,2,3 other makers of similar units are no doubt available

Agree re roads, seen plenty of butchers trucks with hermetics, cut them apart when they have failed, motors have jumped off the springs. They think it is your fault when you tell them the body builder hasn't got a clue!

17-08-2014, 07:13 AM
I have seen semi hemetics in use quite a lot times. fully hemetic compressors are definitely out for me on this type of application due to the nature of their motor mountings which are on springs.

charlie patt
17-08-2014, 09:05 PM
we have trailers on fully and semi the fully hermetics are just more reliable like cad advisies we use zanotties and on others we sit the condensors on large springs to cut out vibration also a big tip when they get power put um on a big delay before running then if the field they have driven in is a bit rough it has time to calm down all our trailers do have twin axles i think singles and a big pothole would suffer

18-08-2014, 05:36 AM
sketch diagam of cascade refrigeration

18-08-2014, 05:37 AM
hello everybdy,
i am new on this site, can anybdy send me the diagram of cascade refrigeration.

thanks alots