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View Full Version : Cold Store Floor Temperature

05-04-2014, 07:42 PM
We use glycol from heat recovery for the cold store (-21C) floor. Can someone let me know what is the recommended glycol temp required. I don't want to add unnecessary heat load. :confused:

05-04-2014, 11:43 PM
Hi, Tecknic :)

Welcome to RE forums

We use glycol from heat recovery for the cold store (-21C) floor. Can someone let me know what is the recommended glycol temp required. I don't want to add unnecessary heat load. :confused:

We do not know what type of floor insulation you have ... so the best and only way is to control glycol temperature in return pipe.

It must be above 273,15 K .... 283 K within return pipe is not to high, but believe me, even if you add some unnecessary load to your evaporator it is much cheaper then frozen soil under cold store floor.

Best regards, Josip :)

06-04-2014, 03:12 AM
best and safe one +4 C up to +6 C