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View Full Version : Air Conditioning in a hot climate

26-02-2014, 11:43 AM
Hi guys,

This is my first post after joining and to be honest the reason I joined is to share technical knowledge however, I hope someone can help.

I am designing a large HVAC system for an FPSO vessel based off the coast of Nigeria. My usual experience is cold weather design (Norway) and I would just like a push in the right direction.

The max external temperature in the region is 36oC (db) and usually I would use the sea water cooling system feeding a heat exchanger to bring the temperature down prior to introduction into a living quarters. As the average sea water temp is in the 20oC region I estimate that I will only get a temperature drop of about 6 degrees (seawater temp rise 6oC + 1oC pump pick up). Consequently the supply temp to the living quarters would be about 30oC.

So my question is should I abandon the sea water cooling and go for a chiller system which can reduce the temperature significantly more (but obviously increase capital costs and loose the free cooling from the seawater), supplement the seawater cooling with a chiller system or should i keep with the 30oC supply and fit DX to rooms?

Any advice or direction would be appreciated.


27-02-2014, 06:48 PM
US company Transcocean use Carrier water cooled screw chillers on their Deepwater Drill Ships so probably a little similar situation to what your looking for. They operate in that area from Nigeria all the way round to Angola. Wouldn't think the crew would be happy at having 30C air pumped into a pressurised accomadation area.
Having had the misfortune of spending some time in Angola and Nigeria on both rigs and boats I would go for chillers.


27-02-2014, 08:26 PM
Also would having DX pipework running through the ship be wise solution?

28-02-2014, 08:06 AM
Thanks guys appreciated i will look into the chiller solution. To be honest after speakign tot eh lead process aneigneer yesterday he wa of the same opinion.