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View Full Version : Water flying out

15-09-2013, 04:38 AM
I have a multi-split system. One indoor unit has water not dripping but flying out of it. When I opened up the cover to inspect, water was dripping onto the roller fan. That explained why the water was sent flying out.

Above the roller fan is the coil-fin assembly. When I poured some water onto the coil-fin assembly directly above the roller-fan, I noticed the water dripped straight through to the roller fan. The two should be kept water-tight from each other, right? And my problem is that whatever that is separating water from the two is leaking?

15-09-2013, 09:36 AM
I can think of 2 reasons but there may be more

Your drain is blocked and the tray under your coil is full or
Your polystyrene tray has a leak/crack in it

Until you strip it down you won't know for sure

15-09-2013, 03:48 PM

Might help untill you fix it.....

install monkey
15-09-2013, 05:08 PM
if the drain is gravity- then blow down it- the flexi hose that connects to the drip tray has a small bore hole about 8mm id they get clogged after a few yrs- if theres an external pump- clean out the gauze or clean the slime off the float- make sure it works
bit more info needed-or a piccy

16-09-2013, 09:43 AM
Thanks for the replies.
The drainage for condensed water is clear.
I hv failed to upload some pics each of which is >2MB. Does this hit the limit for pic size upload?

16-09-2013, 03:05 PM
Use something like Photobucket to upload your pictures and then just post the link

install monkey
16-09-2013, 08:57 PM
if the drain is clear then are the air fliters clean? last resort is the indoor coil clear??- best option is turn it off and get compressed air on it to clear debris between the fins

Thanks for the replies.
The drainage for condensed water is clear.
I hv failed to upload some pics each of which is >2MB. Does this hit the limit for pic size upload?

17-09-2013, 04:00 AM
if the drain is clear then are the air fliters clean? last resort is the indoor coil clear??- best option is turn it off and get compressed air on it to clear debris between the fins

I have uploaded pics to http://s887.photobucket.com

As you can see, both the filter and the coil fins are clean, and the drainage hole is clear.There's a pic showing water on the roller fan blades after I poured water throught the coil-fin assembly at a stretch directly above them. Any stretch I choose, the water will appear at the roller fan blades directly below it. It seems like there is a whole stretch of leak.

I have difficulty in dismantling the coil-fin assembly because, as shown in the pic, there is a hard plastic stud to clear besides a screw. Mine is a Fujitsu.

monkey spanners
17-09-2013, 08:54 AM
I am assuming the system is a wallmount style. Could not see your picture. There is nothing between the coil and fan to catch water just drain pan at bottom of coil, the angle of the coil ensures that water would rather run down to the drain pan rather than drip off.
Have had problems in the past where the coil and or fan were dirty causing drips, I would give them a clean even if they look ok.
Pouring water on the coil will result in it running through to the fan, in normal working you would not have so much water in one go.
The other thing is high humidity if the air is humid then you can get drips just because of condensation.

24-09-2013, 04:47 AM
Sorry for the late reply. I was trying to fix my account in photobucket. Don't know what happened, but I failed to login after the last session when I uploaded some photos.

The FCU is wall-mounted. Perhaps "pour" was the wrong word. It gave the impression that I was pouring a bucket of water in. This was not the case. I just released a small amount of water from a tiny plastic cup. Sometimes I squirted the water from a nozzle.

I think the issue now is frosting. I opened up the cover and turned on the aircon. After awhile, I noticed frost began to form on the coil. When the frost melted, the water got into the roller. Compressor is working, roller blade is turning. Its temperature control. My unit has a thermistor to monitor the coil temperature and another to monitor the room temperature. The remote control can set the desired room temperature. Can't find any info online on how the three variables are used to control the room temperature. Any help?

24-09-2013, 01:24 PM
lack of refrigerant, get someone to fix the leak and regas it.

install monkey
24-09-2013, 01:30 PM
whats the make and model number of the indoor/outdoor unit?
as chemi says if indoor coil is freezing up and you say the filter and coil is spotless and the fan spins, as long as the louvres are open and it blows then chances are its gas charge, have u tried running it with the other indoors switched off or set to fan only??

24-09-2013, 04:58 PM
Yeah, leak is one possibility but I rule that out because the other indoor unit sharing the same compressor is functioning well. The two indoor units would share the same source of refrigerant, right?

Model is Fujitsu AOY19AMCM2 (outdoor) and ASY9ANE-W (indoor).

install monkey
24-09-2013, 05:56 PM
click on link above for service manual
that condenser has 2 fridge circuits and 2 compressors in it- so 1 circuit could be low on gas and the other circuit operates ok, easiest option is with bots indoors in cooling mode measure the pipe temps on each ciruit, looks like your gonna need a fridgy to check operation pressures and repair leak

25-09-2013, 03:05 AM
click on link above for service manual
that condenser has 2 fridge circuits and 2 compressors in it- so 1 circuit could be low on gas and the other circuit operates ok, easiest option is with bots indoors in cooling mode measure the pipe temps on each ciruit, looks like your gonna need a fridgy to check operation pressures and repair leak

Thanks a lot for the service manual. I had been searching for it high and low online without avail, not even in Fujitsu's site. Perhaps it was too old a model.

Now, its most likely a leak. I don't have the tools. Will have to call in the service guy to deal with it.

Thanks for all the help, guys.