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View Full Version : heating coil in front of duct unit

13-02-2006, 07:18 AM
i was wondering if someone can point me maybe to another thread about this issue, or maybe used this method for heating...and if this coil can be controled through the wired remote control and the duct unit to work only on ventilation in the winter. and maybe some data about how much the air flow is reduced ?!?!


13-02-2006, 08:33 AM
what type of coil? It's general to use heat coil in duct ventilation. How the air flow is influenced depends on the fan pressure head and the duct resistance.


13-02-2006, 11:04 AM
thanks LC,

i didn't say anything about the unit or the coil because it doesn't matter (it's my problem to solve)...just looking for an example about air flow. and i say again : (on no matter what brand name) can i use the remote control to do this..?
P.S. maybe i didn't make my self very clear...i'm not sure even now it's better..


13-02-2006, 11:32 PM
Cruz, if I understand you correctly you are trying to use a ducted a/c unit, cooling only, as a cooler in the summer; when winter comes you want to use a heater battery as the heat source.

The heater battery to be placed in the ducted airflow of the unit.

The a/c control to switch some form of valve in the heating coil when heat is required.

If this is correct then i'm sure that it can be done. It is difficult to give facts and figures about the effect on air flow as we do not know the size/model or airflow of the ducted unit. We also do not know the size/type of the heater battery so it is impossible for us to give you figures on the expected pressure drops across the coil and how much the air flow will be affected.

More information is required, sorry... Brian