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View Full Version : anyone in the uk care qualified xs forums member needs help

10-02-2006, 02:40 PM
Hi im a member of the xtreme systems forums and build phase change units for cooling pcs im trying to aquire some care 45 but boc say i need to do some training in order to handle it and buy it but being busy i dont have much time and therfor am unable to complet the training is there anyone who has completed the training who can buy some care 45 for me as im currently stuck using r290 as a refrigerant if so you will be paid in full before and will be paid for your trouble cheers matt. please contact me at pocketbikeuk@hotmail.com

10-02-2006, 03:35 PM
i'm care approved (although my card got nicked this morning) but no i won't get it for you -i'm too busy (oou the irony ;-)

oh by the way -see those gauges they went too...



10-02-2006, 04:24 PM
i'm care approved (although my card got nicked this morning) but no i won't get it for you -i'm too busy (oou the irony ;-)

oh by the way -see those gauges they went too...



i dont have time because by day im a it technician and by night i build systems for people so i work nearly 17 hours a day so being able to do the training is hard as i have to take time off 2 jobs to be able to do it. i only asked for a litle help no need for unhelpful commentsl:)

10-02-2006, 04:29 PM
The only prob Pocket is that as you are not trained in the use of, technically the law would come down hard on you in the case of an accident.

The accessory to the "crime", (your supplier) would also be liable as an accomplice

I am not inferring that you are incompetent. But the regulation is there for a purpose due to the nature of the gas.

chillin out
10-02-2006, 10:46 PM
Why have you chosen care 45?

Is the system going to inside the computer?

If so DO NOT use any care gas!!!

As you might be aware of, care gas is flamable and must be kept away from sources of ignition. So putting the system or even the pipe work inside the case could cause trouble.


Why even are you using r290?


Both these products are flamable and are altrnatives to R22.

What type of compresor are you using?

Chillin:) :)

Johnny Rod
13-02-2006, 02:51 PM
R290 is fairly high pressure, Care 45 is even higher. A company can't just sell you something dangerous without making sure you can use it.

As chillin says, sounds like for this app that you want something non-flammable.

13-02-2006, 11:26 PM
For PC cooling, R134a is the most common. Some high end setups use R404a or even more exotic gases. Some even use cascades.

14-02-2006, 08:53 AM
(although my card got nicked this morning)
oh by the way -see those gauges they went too...



Dont ya just love lite fingured little people. :(:mad:

14-02-2006, 07:28 PM
Dont ya just love lite fingured little people. :(:mad:

I'm struggling that's for sure....



thanks for the thought though

24-04-2006, 10:44 AM
hi first of all i now use 404a and c02 in my systems r290 and care 45 are both safe gases they are contained within a completly sealed unit and there for it is impossible for them to ignite secondly there is no air inside a refrigeration system so that counts out the ability of a flamable gas to ignite and burn.
the cooler sits underneath the pc with the evap and suction line coming through the bottom of the case and onto the processor. at the time i was trying to aquire care 45 as it was enviromentally friendly and the only gas to compete with 404a and 507. I understand phase change very well and have built many systems that reach down to -110 i am not mindlessly playing with dangerous gases thanks.