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View Full Version : Looking for advice on placement of AC units

25-04-2013, 01:23 PM
Hey guys,

I have a small office that needs to be air conditioned. In India, the only split AC options available are 0.75,1,1.5 and 2 tons.

I have attached our office layout with the furniture placement. THe blue portion (MIGHT) be cordoned into a glass cubicle but that is not certain ATM (We intend to put a 0.75 ton AC in this portion later on if required). The red blocks are the AC positions we are considering. There are only a couple of us in the office right now and being a startup, we are budget conscious and can afford only 2 ACs right now.

Looking for expert advice on how best to position the AC units and which ones to purchase in the first place.

Appreciate any advice.
