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View Full Version : New improver

27-12-2005, 03:57 PM
Id just like to say hi to every one as this is my my first thread on this site as ihave not long registered, so to start with Hi all and hope u all had a good xmas and all the best for the new year.

Just before Christmas i attended a 3 week course up in Doncaster at the Tech Train Centre where i covered subjects from citb and city and guilds 3 in safe handling of refrigerants to brazing and pipework to name a few. I got a lot of knowledge from this course, or as much as can be achieved for a new member to the industry.

Having just come out of the army i am now on the search for employment as of now and came on here to see if anybody can help me out and possibly point me in the direction of some good companys to get in touch with. I am located in Bexleyheath in kent just inside the M25.

Any help would be more than welcome.

Many thanks and all the best,


27-12-2005, 04:14 PM
Hi Matt

Welcome,I was in your position a few years ago after leaving the R.E.M.E.Luckly I gained employment just before completing some of my courses.

You have just got to sell the qualities you have and convince a new employer that you are worth investing in.

Good Luck


27-12-2005, 04:31 PM
Cheers mate i just need to find a few companies to sell myself to. How has ur career taken off since u got out and did u complete ur 22?

27-12-2005, 04:55 PM

My first job was looking after the NAAFI shops,then I moved into supermarket which I enjoy.

This is a great site and hopefully someone will ask for your C.V.
All I did was open my local yellow pages an sent every refrigeration company my c.v. then followed it up with a phone call one week later.

Good Luck


P.s. I did 10years

27-12-2005, 09:15 PM

The only advice I can give is this

Get a good CV, and get a professional creator of CV's to make up one for you.

Will cost around £100.00, but will be worth it.

You want the employer to give it a "look" and not to consign it to the WPB

Its always first impressions that count...........Like when someone sees you they notice your teeth and your shoes.

Your cv , similarly is your first port of call.

At the moment there is a DIRE need for good committed individuals with an interest in our industry.

I emphasise, committment, a eagerness to learn, and flair.

And good all round communication skills as this job is about interraction with publics.

And then once youre armed with a decent CV, market yourself................Yellow page listings........personal approach.......etc, etc

Bit like Fishing really...........Hoping you catch, hook up with a decent Fish

28-12-2005, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the good advice mate i have a pretty good cv written at the moment as i attended a course on my leaving the army which covered cv writing and the likes and got it checked out so hopefully it might bring in some results but if it dont then i will certainley think about what u suggested.
Thanks again


28-12-2005, 04:35 PM

I must add that being ex Forces is a definite plus point.

Employers will appreciate that you have benefitted from top class training within a regulated, efficient and disciplined arena.

Good Luck