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View Full Version : SFG 20 Maintenance Standards

05-08-2012, 02:52 PM
Hi All
The company I work for want to implement all maintenance work using the SFG 20 schedules,

I've checked the rate of the visits per year for the A/C work and that seem Ok, but now I have been told that each piece of work will be time allocated.

Does any one know what the SFG20 times would be for:

a) Single Split System
b) VRV system with 5indoors units
c) Water chiller > 100KW
d) Water chiller 100 > 500Kw

Kind Regards


05-08-2012, 05:43 PM
Just curious but was is SFG 20 exactly ?

Rob White
06-08-2012, 12:09 AM
Just curious but was is SFG 20 exactly ?

I had to look also





06-08-2012, 08:09 AM
Thanks Rob.

It will be interesting to see what times are allocated per unit as some of the numpties i work for seem to have trouble in deciding.

still learning
06-08-2012, 05:16 PM
just what we need, another quango telling ,how long the job should take.

10-08-2012, 11:04 AM
Thanks to everyone who replied,

Still waiting for my company to come up with the respected times for each asset,

I was told a few months ago from another engineer that it would be 1/4hour work time allocation for each indoor unit and 1 hour for the outdoor unit This would be for a single AC split unit.

For the Chillers and VRV Assets, no information yet.

This is all to get the engineers to work to best practice.



10-08-2012, 06:23 PM
It's long enough to tick some boxes is it not!
No-one is interested in what you do only the paperwork that says it's been done.
And when it fails it's "but you said it was OK"
Many want reams of settings which look good on paper or screen.
What is not being questioned is what the unexpected settings mean.
Just log them and get the hell out!

still learning
12-08-2012, 07:07 PM
it was ok on the day that it was checked.
the fact that it blew up the following week or next day, is irrelevent , imho.
sadly we do not have xray vision.
the mot for a car i8s only on that day is it not ? we have no mot where i live .

14-11-2012, 07:57 PM
Hi Bob,

SFG20 does not allocate time only frequency. I have a full copy of SGF20 below is a page from the A/C section.
Any time constraints will be an internal policy from your company.


14-11-2012, 08:16 PM
a) Single Split System
b) VRV system with 5indoors units
c) Water chiller > 100KW
d) Water chiller 100 > 500Kw

I would time allocate the following
a) 30 mins
b)1 hr
c)1.5 hr
d)1-3 hrs depending on circuit complexity

And as a reply to Grizzly, The jobs not done till the paper works complete ;)
I do favour accurate data collection and retention! (How many times have we all moaned at a job without commisioning data to compare current conditions to?)

14-11-2012, 10:04 PM
And as a reply to Grizzly, The jobs not done till the paper works complete ;)
I do favour accurate data collection and retention! (How many times have we all moaned at a job without commissioning data to compare current conditions to?)

Fine words and sentiments.
I will remember them for the future hookster.

I can go to site for my employer and tick a load of boxes on the relevant form =
Many sat in offices happy!
Or I can check using my experience listing the issues found and usually generating extra works =
Many sat in offices being paid for!
Both forms and practical use of maintenance time has a relevance.
Much the same as a balance between theoretical & practical training is the optimum most endorse.

The one thing you have not answered is "Who is paying for the time needed to do either job properly.
From the observations I have made in the past is the more paperwork required the more for show it is!

The more a contract is analysed / squeezed for price the less work that actually gets done!

I agree with Commissioning it is highly important to compile the correct information.

I have no argument there.
What does scare the hell out of me is when someone starts generalising and dumbing down
what should be classed as a skilled job.
Piles of paperwork gets processed by those unable to understand what the information contained within actually means.

Unless you are saying you wish for large amounts of accurate data done in next to no time.
Which may or may not be paid for?
You know me Hookster!
If I think it is necessary I will spend large amounts of my free time for no payment.
Processing, researching collating or whatever if it will make the particular job I am involved with easier. Or is even beneficial to me or my employers!
What I won't do is fill in reams of forms because someone has deemed them necessary.
Irrespective of how much time they require, which rarely has been allocated.

Flog the willing horse enough and eventually they find new pastures!

14-11-2012, 10:27 PM
The unfortunate world we live in seems to always be steered towards the lowest element!
Take H&S, the dramatic improvements that were made since the industrial revolution for the sake of saving workers lives and reducing work place accidents. Has spiraled into this juggernaut of an industry!!

Then its us at the coal face having to complete all the paperwork required to ensure the company cant be sued and responsiblity is passed back to the individual doing the task.

The company then needs the paperwork to prove that it met its KPI and service agreements!

The trending and collecting of data for historical records and pre failure diagnoses and enough justification to request the payment for service and avoid disputes.

And I agree its the guy standing at the sharp end that is under pressure, supporting the soft services, that is required to complete the data, carry out the maintenance, interact with the customer, look for potential remedial work that would enhance the customers equipment and clean up after himself (Luckily we have an orifice that fits broom handles!)

All for the love of the job!
Ps when you find that pasture, please let me know!

14-11-2012, 10:47 PM
Ps when you find that pasture, please let me know!

I will!
The pasture i have is green enough, fortunately my bosses are capable of controlling the amount of manure dumped upon it!

Time will tell!
Your second answer reads much better than the first!


14-11-2012, 11:13 PM
Have you also noticed that those sat in the offices fail to register that it is they who should be supporting us out in the field.

Without us performing the work and earning the income there would not be an office to sit in.

15-11-2012, 05:39 AM
Spot On- Brian.

Or as My Sister in Law,a very senior Exon Mobil Executive, said to me 2/3 years ago.
"You are a commodity. If you can accept that You may well enjoy your job. If not you are going to not enjoy work"
That statement says it all really!

15-11-2012, 11:03 PM
You are a commodity

Very well put Grizzly, unfortunately there seems to be more and more 'people' who seem to forget that unless someone, somewhere, makes something for someone else then it all comes to a grinding halt.

The bigs-wigs in the UK proclaim that we have a thriving 'service industry' but to be honest 'servicing' stuff is not producing anything useful it is merely extending the measly life of what we already have. You want something new? Go service yourself a new car, see where that gets you. [OK rant over now, feeling better and calming down]