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View Full Version : Refrigerant Cylinders which way up.

18-03-2012, 10:13 AM
I was having an educational conversation with a 2nd year apprentice (Australia) the other day. The conversation centred on refrigerant cylinders, handling, tying them down in vehicles etc. He told me that the cylinders (according to his TAFE lecturer) had to be stood upright. I queried this and his answer was that his lecturer said it was due to the fact that we can only fill cylinders to 80% of their volume. And that if the cylinder was laid on it’s side that the liquid in the cylinder would cover the valve and that somehow this would render the over pressure device inoperable. I personally think that this is a load of rubbish as there are no markings on the cylinders that say ‘THIS SIDE UP’ or arrows and I clearly remember filling a large capacity R22 plant with 500 kilo cylinders that were horizontally.
Could anyone out there tell me if this is so and what are the reasons.

18-03-2012, 11:01 AM
Near heard that. The only thing I have ever been told is don't let Queensland transport inspectors find you lying cylinders down (unsecured I guess) or they will fine you. I always thought it was about damaging the valve and the bottle venting while driving around. and if the bottle did blow it blowed up if stored upright and secured.

Yes I would think if the TAFE teacher said was true they would be marked, as you suggested

The Viking
18-03-2012, 11:47 AM
As I understood it this has nothing to do with when you are charging a system from the cylinder but...

In the cylinder's valve is a pressure relief valve/plate/disk built in (normally hidden under a plastic cap/dot/plug), as with all pressure relief devices in refrigeration system they should blow vapour when they go off, not only will this lower the pressure inside the cylinder quicker (as it will cool down by the boiling off) it is also safer for anybody near by (as liquid refrigerant will cause burn injuries)

Hence the need for cylinders to be stored and transported upright, as to tying them down well I sort of hope that everybody agree that that would come under "common sense".



19-03-2012, 02:31 AM
It is common sense to travel with cylinders locked into what ever carry frames, the temperature is the critical issue too hot and vav will releif. What ever refrigerant.
As for Queensland SS officer police that is a secondary problem. Those big pistol packing wogs have halve a brain and money driven whacko's
If you travel with cylinders and a peice of rope as assurance and they will stop with a head on prang, the momentary releif of an air bag, will be overriden suddenly by a bag of tools what ever taking your head off.
My theory is duc under the dash board out of line of fire and become a squishy mess with all parts attached for identification and funeral.

19-03-2012, 06:00 AM
Common sense to have bottles secured upright and adequate ventilation as rear compartment temperature does turn into a sauna in the sun.
By the way Magoo, police in Queensland, should they feel the need, are allowed to strip search your vehicle. Had several encounters when driving in the pre dawn hours or late at night when the traffic was minimal.:( They thought my gauges were for nitrous oxide.:off topic:

20-03-2012, 02:30 AM
Hi Mikeref.
your comment confirms my worst fears of the Q/land police. I can remember when Q/land was a vertual police state and Belky was in charge.
How many xxxx's did they discover in the eskee