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View Full Version : CO2 Training in the United States

27-01-2012, 04:07 AM
Hi All,
I am new to the forum and would like to know where everybody that works on C02 in the US is getting their training? I am interested becasue there is alot of talk about C02 as the next big thing. I mainly work on small refrigeration equipment, 1 door, 2 door, display coolers, vending machines, etc. I been informed that we should start seeing some of this small equipment with CO2 as the refigerant in the near future here in the states..The trainings that I have seen online are all out of country and seem to refer to large applications. Would some of these trainings be beneficial to me even if the applications seem to differ? Thank you in advance for your response..JIMMY

30-01-2012, 10:05 PM
If you are interested in the industrial side of CO2 then you can check out the school I work for at ammoniatraining.com

They're running their first industrial CO2 class in the spring.

02-02-2012, 01:50 AM
Thanks Brian..Im not sure if a industrial CO2 training would be what im looking for. Do you think I may be able to apply some of this type of training to smaller applications? I would be looking to learn how to charge small units, evacuate, brazing, running pressures, etc for small equipment using CO2. What are your thoughts since you mentioned that you work for this school.

Thanks again

joe magee
02-02-2012, 01:55 AM
I work for a refrigeration OEM and we have been building CO2 racks now for a couple of years. The larger chains are commited to CO2. I have started up one of the racks that uses 134A on the top side and CO2 on the bottom side. We use liquid CO2 for the commercial temp and DX CO2 for the low temp. This is a sub critical system. We are building a NH3/CO2 rack for a customer and it should be shipped next month. R744.com is a good place to start. I know it can be frustrating due to the lack of training available. There will be a need for training once more chains start to go in that direction. Right now only a handful of stores have it. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

03-02-2012, 05:33 PM
Thanks Brian..Im not sure if a industrial CO2 training would be what im looking for. Do you think I may be able to apply some of this type of training to smaller applications? I would be looking to learn how to charge small units, evacuate, brazing, running pressures, etc for small equipment using CO2. What are your thoughts since you mentioned that you work for this school. Thanks again

It's focused on the industrial applications and (based on what you said above) not what you are looking for.

02-03-2012, 05:11 PM
Dear Brian,

I am a journalist for the industry platform R744.com (http://www.r744.com/), and we have noticed that CO2 refrigeration is gaining ground in the US, especially in light of the recent Hill Phoenix - Advansor acquisition. I would be interested in finding out more about the industrial CO2 courses you plan to run in the spring for an article. GCAP is already a partner member of another of the platforms I write for ammonia21.com, and this latest news is very exciting!