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19-10-2005, 08:26 PM
:eek: :eek: Hi
I am a spark by trade and have just bought a split air con unit, any tips on installing, should I attempt this myself or get some one in , the instructions are not very clear, whats the worst that can happen , is it a good idea to have a go myself, the unit is already gassed but once connected what then, the insructions talk of vacumizing and other pretty tech stuff, I am normallly ok with diy etc but I dont want to damage my unit, any advice would be really helpfull, also does the fan unit have to be higher than the indoor unit, and would the outdoor unit have to be kept out of direct sunlight and rain it does have a ip rating of 24 and I have seen simular units on the roofs of buildings with no protection but the instructions say different, please help
A spark outta his depth

19-10-2005, 09:58 PM
is it really as simple as that

chillin out
19-10-2005, 10:19 PM
is it really as simple as that

Eh, not quite if I were you I would get somebody to install it for you.

Firstly because you will have peice of mind.
Secondly because if the system fails at all you can go back to the manufacturer and be able to tell them it was installed by a pro.

You may be able to fix the units in position,wire it pipe it but it does need vaccing out, so you could get a pro to commision it.


20-10-2005, 12:13 AM
Get it installed by a proper aircon engineer, then you will have a leak free system. You can do the sparks bit yourself while the engineer pipes up and vac's out system.

20-10-2005, 07:21 PM
A spark outta his depth

Hi Steve

Ask yourself if you would be happy advising a carpenter how to install a new distribution panel he had just bought.
We are all tradesmen but in different disciplines. Whilst we may have a basic understanding of each others trade we are by no means expert or have the necessary tools. Could the carpenter fix the dist board - yes, could he connect all the wires - yes, could he test Zs, R1 + R2, insulation etc - no because he doesn't have the tools or knowledge. His installation would therefore not be safe so he would need a Spark to finish and certify his work.

It's the same for out trade mate. We've all spent a lot of time getting qualified and invested in the correct tools. Save yourself a lot of woe (and build on the saving you have made so far by buyiny the kit yourself) and get some help from a friendly tradesmen. I'm quite sure that someone from the forum lives local to you so why not ask for assistance here?

20-10-2005, 07:37 PM
should I attempt this myself or get some one in

get someone in . . . . :)


21-10-2005, 07:35 PM
A spark outta his depth

This ends deep............youll splash about and try and swim.........

You may drown

Call the lifeguard

22-10-2005, 12:03 AM
a buddy of mine does AC installation subcontracting and is very affordable. i can contact him for you if you wish.

here's a video of him http://fridgetech.com/video/duncan.avi

22-10-2005, 11:33 AM
a buddy of mine does AC installation subcontracting and is very affordable. i can contact him for you if you wish.

here's a video of him http://fridgetech.com/video/duncan.avi

mental note:- never ever ring fridgetech for an engineer.:D

22-10-2005, 05:02 PM
I had a great laugh as well