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22-09-2005, 06:34 AM
Don't know if it's the correct English expression but this is a technical (we call it a synoptic) panel my son made for a market truck we're making now.

I'm posting it here because I'm proud of the job he's done.
Actual size +/- 3,5 feet x 1.5 feet (110 cm x 45 cm)
2 VFD Bitzer compressors, under teh compressorsd the lights for all the alarm functions, the 2 condensers on the roof, a tailor made airco (5 HP), 12 Eliwells thermostats, on the left side the knobs for the generator (35 kVA), and under the fish the knobs for the lights.
There is also a sun shading device of +/- 12 m (36 ft).

I will make a picture of it when all the thermostats and knobs are inserted.

22-09-2005, 09:11 AM
Peter,congratulate your son from myself on his project.It is a rare commodity to see.

22-09-2005, 01:35 PM

You should be proud
And thank you for letting us share


22-09-2005, 01:48 PM
Peter , like father like son , you have to be very proub . . . as we are proud of you to have such son


chillin out
22-09-2005, 07:23 PM
Good work, well done to your son .
How old is your son?

p.s. shame its in foreign.lol:) :)

23-09-2005, 06:27 AM
Hi Peter,
It's really good job.
Is the project finished? May we share more pictures-:)
Your son is an electronic engineer?


23-09-2005, 06:30 PM
Thanks for all the compliments.

We're still busy with this project and as soon as thermostats and lights are inserted in the panel, I will post some pictures.

Here are some pictures when we're still busy:
You can see that there's not much space to install all the lines. Behind our lines you can see teh hydraulic lines.
The cold rooms are just under the TEV's.

My son studied indeed electronics but he prefers working with his hands. But he is just like me very interested in electronics.

23-09-2005, 06:56 PM
Thanks for sharing the pictures Peter , that's nice from your part

24-09-2005, 10:57 PM
Very nice, Peter and son. I am also impressed with the concept of the truck. I would like to know more about its purpose. Is it something common in your whereabouts or is it a fresh idea? Synoptic: Seeing the same?

25-09-2005, 07:32 AM
As soon this truck is finished (+/- 2 months) I will post on our website all the pictures we took during our work.

Dan, this is something very common in our land. In almost every larger town, each week there is a market.
So on Monday let's say in Bruges, Tuesday in Ostend an so son...

You have to see it as the shops coming to you.
It's something still remaining from the past when there were not that many shops and the peoples could buy all there goods on one place: from clothes to vegetables, from shoes to meat and fish,...

Despite the fact that we have since decades very large supermarkets, the weekly markets remained and there was apparently a need for this kind if vending goods.

What was especially true in the past was that the price on he market was lower then in the shops. But the supermarkets are conquering each other now that the difference is neglectable.

I will take once a picture of the market in Bruges on a Saturday so that you have an impression.
Tourists like it very much but my wife for example is buying everything in the supermarkets.

To give you an idea: on this one, we installed all the cooling and the central switch-cupboard and all the cables. It cost the client for this +/-58.000 €.
The whole trailer - without even the truck itselves - will cost around 450.000 € !!!

It's the first enclosure (I mean then with this the outer walls, the roof and the floor) made completely out of polyester, they didn't used any wood nor metal, so it can never rust, it's very flexible and very light and it remains very strong.

27-09-2005, 05:40 PM
My one son has joined me in the business. He has a college degree in HVAC/R. It certainly does make me feel great that he wants to take over.

28-09-2005, 10:23 PM
I hope everything turns out Bencool.
If you want to sponser me I'd love to emigrate to Florida :)

28-09-2005, 11:00 PM
Great job! Bet the customers are impressed as well!! stan