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View Full Version : B Line pipe clamps

monkey spanners
05-03-2011, 11:08 AM
Does anybody know if these are still available un the UK?

I used to prefer the Insulclamp versions as the insert was a softer rubber instead of the more plasticy material in th B Lines, and the nuts were m6 so if you lost one you could always find another.
Trouble is now that a certain Diverse and Technical company has started importing what are presumable cheap to them (though no cheaper at the wholesalers :mad:) copies made in the orient even NRS's own brand clips are just their repackaged ****e that don't grip onto the channel (have had to put electrical tape on the pipe before) and when used in a dairy environment go rusty in under a year :mad:

So i got to wondering if anyone knows where i can get some B-Lines from?

On a side note, I fitted a condensing unit the other week with a Chinese made reciever, it leaked round the valve stem from the get go and the cap was made of plastic about 2mm thick! I don't mind where stuff is made or by whom, i have quite a global view of things, we're all just people under the same sky after all. But there should be no excuse for poor quality parts no matter where they are manufactured.

Jon :)

charlie patt
05-03-2011, 09:33 PM
srw or cars will do them as far as the quality of kit goes we are for a while going to stick with top end brands its more expensive but one recall on stuff and we have lostmoney. they all make mistakes but some of them have quality control,

old gas bottle
01-04-2011, 08:25 PM
HA,HA, going a bit of topic here but it was the chinese thing,:off topic:was given a 9cfm chinese vac pump to try,looked nice,1hp and all,loads of oil mist but no vac to speak of:Dreminded me of the african queen.:)