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31-08-2005, 06:47 PM
dear all,

I need trouble shooting methods of minibar ( absorption)refrigerator gas charging technical details ??? regards

31-08-2005, 08:58 PM
I was under the imperesion if its a domestic / small aqua amonia absorbsion fridge, you cannot access the charge and the puipes are bullet proof steel.

The common fix was to unplug it, turn it upside down, leave it upside down over night, Next day turn it the right way round leave for afew hours before turning the thing back on, After afew hours check the temp, if it works claim as much credit as you can, if it doesnt post a query on refrigeration-engineer.com

Ive fixed about five or six of these through the years and never failed, but im no expert on aqua amonia, I certainly wouldnt try to access the gass , I understand they work on totaly higher and diferent pressures and principls, Nothing like the big amonia chillers where amonia is used in a familer way to frige gas.

Frankly if my upside down fix doesnt work, and you to are not an amonia specialist, I wouldnt get envoled any further.

31-08-2005, 09:05 PM
This may be of some help: http://www.rvmobile.com/Tech/Trouble/CoolingD.htm

31-08-2005, 09:33 PM
Hey Wambat, nice link you gave us.

01-09-2005, 04:42 AM
Thank you Peter!:D

01-09-2005, 07:46 PM
Thanks wambat , that's a really good one :):):)


02-09-2005, 06:08 PM
dear all,
thanks for replay, i am not amonia rf specailist,normaly i do your methods but i requared how can recharging amonia and nitregen???

your "s vinod

03-09-2005, 10:23 AM
Simply put, If its a domestic aqua - amonia fridge, ie no compressor , just a heater and steel pipes at the back, there are three main things to know.

1. If it has a gas leak for sure, you need to throw the fridge away, They do not get regassed in the feild. Only at the factory do they get charged when they are first built.

2. They very rarely loose gas, Most fail because the gasses inside get mixced up in the wrong amounts in the wrong preportions throughout the system, This causes an effect that could be misrerad as being short of gas, The back gets very hot but the fridge does not cool at all or very little. If this happens the fridge is designed to be turned off, left upside down where the pipework is designed to allow the gasses to seperate and re enter the correct chamber (this takes a geed few hours, I leave it over night to be safe)
Then the fridge needs to be turned the correct way up, pluged in again and ran, it usualy takes about 4 hours befiore the gasses starts reacting again and the fridge will start opperating as new.

3. The heater can fail, if this happens you need to replace the heater.

You never need to regass these fridges. If it definatly has a leak its a throw away job, You cannot regass it.

In my experiance if the heater works, you need to unplug, turn it upside down and leave it till morning. I know this sounds weird and cow boy style but it is the way the fridges were disigned. Obviosly make sure you unplug before turning upside down. The next day when you try it you will find it has started to work.

05-09-2005, 01:47 PM
thanks dear chilly for yours valuble replay,

once again thanks all

