View Full Version : sublimation?

19-01-2011, 06:43 AM

19-01-2011, 07:35 PM
Sublimation and deposition only occur at pressures below the triple point. Having temperatures below the triple point cannot be a cause of either - temperatures below can only be an effect.

19-01-2011, 08:07 PM
Come on, he did use a question mark. ;)

It's amazing what people will do to pass a snowy afternoon.

20-01-2011, 12:50 AM
Or maybe its...

1. Similar to the effect of flashed liquid entering the evaporator from the metering device. Except the medium is water and not refrigerant, and some of the water rapidly cools and falls to the floor because of its weight. And the heat is released in the form of steam due to the sudden expansion of the remaining water in the form of droplets. Then the larger droplets that don't expand as much, freeze into a small ice/snow cloud.

2. When the hot water is thrown up, it atomises into the surrounding cold air. And when it atomises, its combined collective area is further increased causing the water droplets to loose heat rapidly whilst it passes through the surrounding air.

3. Due to the enthalpy of the mass of water releasing all of its heat energy in so little time. The water droplets expand further as they turn into ice crystals, and because they're encompassed in a cloud of heat energy. They turn into a fine snow shower, and disperse further into a vapour cloud.
