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View Full Version : Brian, please advise.

30-07-2005, 12:46 AM
Brian, the Loda Garbage cassette you repaired recently. I really do have to change a lift pump on one.
The question is, shall i pump the cassette down and change the lift pump on a bench, or would it be quicker to fix it insitu?

If i fix it insitu, i have to do it on a night shift and i have some spotty get asking how long i'm going to be.

So, do i drop it and fix it, or soldier on into the night?



Andy W
30-07-2005, 07:30 AM
A friend of mine said recently they are not difficult to replace compared with the Daikin lift pumps. I have not changed one myself YET, just a matter of time. If I was you I would ask LG technical or even drop David McBain a line as under warranty they pay you a fixed price to replace the pump so they should know how long it will take to replace.

30-07-2005, 07:07 PM
they are not difficult to replace compared with the Daikin lift pumps.

Sorry I couldn't put the quote into quote marks but my reply buttons aren't working.

All you have to do to replace a Daikin lift pump in a cassette is to drop the polystyrene coil pan and hey - presto there it is. Not difficult at all

31-07-2005, 10:53 PM
Sorry, been away from the pooter..

As far as I could see the lift pump is screwed directly to the metal plate making up the coil-joining-corner (if that makes sense?). There were four screws fixing the plate to the coil ends and two screws fixing the plate to the top of the cassette casing.

Assuming that the gas pipework is properly supported I would think that the coil ought to stay in place - some additional support external to the cassette might be prudent.

So, the procedure would be :_
1. Isolate electrically.
2. Remove fascia panel - disconnect multi-plugs
3. Pull drain plug from poly drain tray and catch water (if any) in a bucket
4. Unscrew two screws from each corner and prise out drain tray
5. Disconnect drain pump discharge tube - cable tie
6. Unscrew all screws from corner plate, having supported coil, and remove pump
X. Somewhere between 2 and 5 check and remove any spare plugs and cables in the way.

Watch out for sharp edges.

Good luck,

31-07-2005, 11:25 PM
Thanks for the info Brian, doesn't sound to difficult.
I have decided to drop it and fix it on a work bench though. Save me tripping up over kids in the middle of the night wanting 2 packets of "Rizla" and 25 mars bars.



31-07-2005, 11:28 PM
Fair enough Eggs, watch out for the flare connectors... the leak we repaired was on the back of the liquid line male connector. Had to drop the coil, cut off the connector and braze in a new piece of pipe.

SO DON'T break anything :)