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View Full Version : Harsh Bosses

28-07-2005, 08:37 PM
Can any 1 tell me what their working situation is as regards to time,overtime and breaks...etc...
apparantly where i am, even though iv never signed no contract, its known that 10 hours a day with a half hr break is the standard, anything on top of that is considered ot, BUT not worked out weekly, only monthly...so if you do 12 hrs a day for 1 week but less than 8 hrs a day for the following, u dont get paid any ot! and half the time we dont even stop for any breaks as we're always trying to complete 2moros work yesterday...

anyways....my main topic is this...

today i called in sick, as id got really ill through last nite.. i was in no state to go work..
got a real ear full from the boss as id "let the company down, and let every1 down, as they're up to their necks in it"

but is it my fault they dont have enough staff to cover such events as illness...and that they take on more work than they can handle...

then got another call asking me if im in 2moro, said in my current state, no...but if i get any better yes...
as it stands doesnt look like it..

and was basically told that if i dont go in, they are going to get some1 else in to replace me....ie layed off, in not so many words...and was giving me a right earfull that if i dnt go in im leaving them all in the ****, and that whats he going to say to the customer, oh sorry we cant complete ur work as the lads feeling poorly...

does any1 else have bosses that make them feel like s**t cuz they've gotten ill beyond their control, and probably down to the fact they work 12 days most without breaks that they're in that situation in the 1st place...

28-07-2005, 08:51 PM
Hi Krups

Doesn't sound right to me as an employer and it seems to contravene the European Working Directive. Sickness is sickness and your health must come first.

Sounds like your boss is giving off hot gas and is frustrated.

Why not give the local CAB a ring - they give free legal advice

28-07-2005, 09:38 PM
Hi Krups,

Sounds like you need to get a new job.

As far as i was aware, i has been law for a number of years now that you have a contract of employment that however is as far as it goes. What terms and conditions you have i don not think there are any guidelines. Some companies pay sick pay, some dont & some will take engineers overtime away from them to cover for the sick pay.
I think i will start a thread about this subject to see what the general rules are within the industry.

unfortunatly, for you until you have a contract or something in writing you employer has the upper hand. Personally first thing i would do is get a contract and then at least you know where you stand



28-07-2005, 10:42 PM
cheers frank n fa(t)boy for ur replies...

i think this guy not only wants my sweat n blood, but my life n soul aswel...so he can cruise round in his top of the range motors and take his x amount of holidays a yr...

no thanks.. time for a change...

"I think i will start a thread about this subject to see what the general rules are within the industry."

if u dont i will...



29-07-2005, 12:58 AM

I shall try post some legal stuff in the legal sec when I get a sec
hang on in there for now.....dont leave..........better to be pushed

29-07-2005, 04:43 PM
hi guys new to this forum but i also work for a company and have no contract we work bout 10 hours a day but quite often do a lot of overtime and dont even get paid but what can u do if u say anthing to boss he just says get a new job

29-07-2005, 08:26 PM
Hi guys.

To be honest, never worked for anyone. only for myself.
Just cant have a boss.
I always suggest to anyone in doubt' be your own boss/
It is not possible for everyone but its the best way to have peace of mind, more money better life/

Think about it, if you're good., go on your own. It takes a short time to learn how to swim there and the water are not very cold.


29-07-2005, 11:21 PM
Welcome Sean1; to you and Krups I can only say that your employers are breaking the law. You are legally entitled to a contract of employment and if you ask for one then they MUST provide it. Check with your local Jobcentre; they should have all the Government issued leaflets covering the subject.

Remember, if you are forced out of your job by the actions/attitude of your boss then you have a case for Constructive Dismissal and compensation can be sought.

Working hours I'm not 100% on but you MUST have a break after every 6 hours working - how long isn't stated I think !?

13-08-2005, 08:19 AM
We get most friday afternoons off t go skiing or fishing!
If we go out on a night we can usually come in a bit late in the morning.
We book at least 42.5 hours a week even if we do less and smokos are about 1/2 hour each twice a day and an hour for lunch.
Its great with a pom boss with a kiwi attitude there good at getting paid for doing little as poss.

13-08-2005, 02:46 PM
Nz sounds like a good place to be

14-08-2005, 05:20 AM
I used to work on supermarket refrigeration where you regularly do 80+ hours a week especially on call.Remember that the summer time is hay making time and the money will make up for the quiet times.Saying that he doesnt sound a fare boss and as for using threats then its time to move on as he obviously doesnt appreciate you.I worked for a few bosses like that.If your any good then there will always be a job for you and as you probably know theres a global shortage of good engineers.The worlds your oyster so dont take any ****!! :cool: