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View Full Version : Dehumidifier capacity

28-09-2010, 04:30 PM
We need a portable dehumidifier unit for a production room; room volume is 50 m3, humidity range need to control 40 to 45%, temperature 20 to 24 is controlled by FCU (fan coil unit).
We need to calculate dehumidifier capacity? & how can we calculate it? Formula?
Is their any thumbs rule?

28-09-2010, 07:07 PM
What's the moisture ingress?

29-09-2010, 02:55 AM
Its come with the cooled air of Fan Coil Unit.

charlie n
29-09-2010, 03:45 AM
A FCU does not make humidity. There must be other sources. Fresh air supply, people, processes that produce moisture. Look for these in order to calculate moisture production.

29-09-2010, 05:58 AM
A FCU does not make humidity. There must be other sources. Fresh air supply, people, processes that produce moisture. Look for these in order to calculate moisture production.
Actually most of the time our environment contain humidity around RH:72%, and cooling system for the room can decrees humidity level around RH:60% (as if its only for cooling not humidifying) but our requirement is below RH:45 %,hope its clear you.

02-10-2010, 12:13 PM
hi, you need maintain low RH at low temp.so you must go through dessicant type.i calculate with your info. To maintain 20c 40%rh at this atmos condition 46c dbt and 30c wbt with 2 people load. you should remove moisture from room is 51 lit/day.just visit our web.(bryair.com)

07-10-2010, 02:02 PM
hi, you need maintain low RH at low temp.so you must go through dessicant type.i calculate with your info. To maintain 20c 40%rh at this atmos condition 46c dbt and 30c wbt with 2 people load. you should remove moisture from room is 51 lit/day.just visit our web.(bryair.com)
Thanks, it will help me lot

07-10-2010, 03:26 PM

How can you calculate if you don't know what the moisture ingress is? You don't know the conditions from the incoming air (VERY important) and you even don't know what's extracted out of this room.

40% at 20° C can easily be maintained with a condensation dryer but I suspect you that Bryair doesn't make these units, only desiccant types.

An I bet Bryair's smallest model is a 51l/day.

For a room like this, normal conditions, I should guess 10l/day, not even worth calculating this.

BTW, making publicity is not allowed

16-10-2010, 09:34 AM
we calculate return condition is room condition.If any one need proper solution,they should give proper details.Like what is the application,surrounding condition,construction of room,fresh air condition and people load. then bryair smallest model is 28 lit/day on normal comfort condition. condensation dryer you means ref type dehumidifier,if you meens,dew point in that condition is 6 c.if you go to low temp it will form ice.if not you will raise the air changes.its more difficult to do 20 c 40% rh.incase you want 24c 40% its very easy to maintain through ref type and that is economical also.