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View Full Version : hanwest l62 controller

14-08-2010, 06:32 AM
hi i just installed this controller it started the indoor evap fan fine which was my original fault with original board . It also started the condenser fine when i turned it off now the control boards relays do not switch at all the wall control display adjusts fine. But it doesnt control the board . Is there an adjustment i neeed to make my wiring seems fine its like the board has locked out or is not communicating any help thanks ! i cant find any info on this control on net is there any hanwest pros !

14-08-2010, 10:20 AM
Hi Acura.
No criticism meant but could you have connected the Live and Neutral around the wrong way?
My reasoning is the relays could be getting a feed, despite the controller switching.
Have you metered your relay inputs?
Just a thought!
cheers Grizzly

15-08-2010, 02:48 AM
Sounds like controller is on a Bradway/ Temperzone system. Check there web site, they will assist with problem solving.

15-08-2010, 09:40 AM
Did you use the correct voltage?
eg if the system has a 24v control circuit were you switching 24v or 240v?
Are you using the upgrade kit with the plug adapters and the original install cable for the old HAN L5, (could have a cable fault), or are you running a new cable?

There may be some settings you need to program, it tells you the options for everything with the install instructions.

edit: It's weird that the hanwest website only has the L5 controller on it. That hasn't been available for ages, over a year at least. I've only seen their replacement L6 version available, but that's not on their site?

15-08-2010, 10:13 AM
thanks for the help my wiring links look fine thhe relays were clicking fine then all of a sudden in couldnt use them my mate who works on this stuff is coming to have look willl let u know thanks for help

22-08-2010, 02:03 PM
If you are 100% sure the wiring is correct and have tried resetting the power to the unit there could be a fault with the board. We have had the odd one with a faulty controller or control board.