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View Full Version : Geothermal inst not wkg. alternatives?

fridge doctor
05-05-2010, 06:47 PM
Hey guys, need some help here as I have never done Geothermal before.

Cyprus - good climate so emphasis on cooling.

Client has had Swedish GT system installed one year from A.N. Other, and it is useless. Wants to rip out and start afresh. 2 storey house, VERY well insulated, presently ducted from GT which should cool/heat water as the medium and send to air handlers in the building.

Cannot envisage re-using this system because I feel the transfer of heat or cooling to water and thence to air is long and frustrating (as borne out by client).
However, pipework and ducting is in place which should not be ignored. Client considering cassettes as an alternative, emphasis on neat and tidy - this is a very minimalist property.

Obviously I can't go into major detail, but if you have any ideas - which would be very welcome - I can extend info.

05-05-2010, 08:43 PM
Is it feasible to install DX coils in the existing ductwork to provide local heat/cool facility?

05-05-2010, 09:07 PM
I don't see problem with heat transfer unless water flow is incorrect.

06-05-2010, 07:15 AM
Geothermal heat source is a worry, all the sulphates sulphites what ever .. ates. They gunge up and eat all pipe work.
In NZ we live with it, mud pools geysers you name it. In some parts of the country the greenies have stopped people using the geothermal bores in the back yard, now they can wake up with a geyser blowing off on their property. Can make a hellofa mess of the lawn.
Add earth quakes just to keep us awake and alert.

06-05-2010, 08:22 AM
Geothermal heat source is a worry, all the sulphates sulphites what ever .. ates.
Geothermal doesn't necessary mean use of hot sources in earth crest. It could be simple well or trench where heat pump pumps heat.

fridge doctor
07-05-2010, 06:29 AM
In this case, the installers tried a 30 metre bore hole. When that didn't work, they spread it horizontally under the patio. Still doesn't work. Customer claims to have had about 5 hours reasonable output from it in 12 months.

07-05-2010, 06:57 AM
In this case, the installers tried a 30 metre bore hole. When that didn't work, they spread it horizontally under the patio. Still doesn't work. Customer claims to have had about 5 hours reasonable output from it in 12 months.

That is probably because wells and trenches and loops are not suitable( big enough) for your heat pump and because of soil characteristics (dry soil, rocks). Someone, in planing, has made some mistakes.
I don't see reason to use geothermal (and paying high costs of instalation) in Cyprus when your mild climate is perfect to use air source heat pumps.

Also, how many loops is there and are they all same pipe length and pipe diameter?

07-05-2010, 12:43 PM
air source heatpump will do the job!!
it does seem like nike123 is very correct someone did a bad job desigening that ground source in cyprus!!!