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monkey spanners
13-04-2010, 11:14 PM
I've had three in the last couple of weeks blocked enough to cause bubbles in the sightglass, funny how these things all seem to come at once. I can't remeber the last one i changed for being blocked but would be six months ago i guess.

Anyone eles had driers blocked recently, i wonder if the warmer weather plays a part.

Jon :)

13-04-2010, 11:56 PM
doubt it ,i have compressor weeks,fan motor weeks,its strange another one is think of a client then they ring in the next few days wierd !!!

monkey spanners
14-04-2010, 04:06 PM
We had a weekend years ago now when three 120w fan motors failed, took the van stock of the whole company!

I get that 'think of a customer or site then get a call' thing, must start thinking of more customers :p

Jon :)

14-04-2010, 05:39 PM
IF a drier is located between the LSV and TXV, when the unit goes into pump down, the drier freezes and defrost after all the liquid has been pumped back.

After many times the core inside breaks inti small lumps and it blocks the fine mesh strainer. I've seen it a few times.

14-04-2010, 05:58 PM
having a cappilary month have not had a blocked drier for a very long time :) tend to change them if i cant see the label lol found one wrong way round lmao and u could see the arrows and everything might have a pic of that lol

14-04-2010, 06:07 PM
brains fully booted up now an had a thought have noticed with the little foster out door units the braze in drier starts to restrict after a year or 2 and it not posistioned as chem cool says has anyone else had a similar prob with certain products ? they danfoss so should be good :confused: when i worked for general refrig we had big prob with KMP flare in driers not removing moisture few years bac that but we had stuff fallin over due to txvs blocking all over the place

14-04-2010, 09:15 PM
kmp driers!would not use them,alco,sporlan,danfoss as a last resort.

15-04-2010, 08:38 PM
sporlan first they the best danfoss next only cos the black is cool lol would not use any thing else had to many just not seem to do wot they supposed to sporlan never let me down :)

monkey spanners
15-04-2010, 09:37 PM
I used to only fit sporlan, but i find the danfoss ones easier to braze in. Also climate centre seems to be stocking more danfoss and less sporlan now :confused:

The Red Krawler
24-05-2010, 02:32 PM
We avoid solid core driers as they tend to break apart (and block!) the easiest. Alko (then Emerson-Alko, now just Emerson I believe) are our weapon of choice.