View Full Version : wiring diagrams

02-04-2010, 10:51 AM
Good day people of the South, living in the East, heading North wishing you were lving in the West or where ever you are. I am also new here. We all know that most of our problems in refrigeration are electrically related. Can any body pls give me some advice on how to improve on reading wiring diagrams. Any books out there I can can buy or something :rolleyes:

02-04-2010, 12:35 PM
Hi nicolaas
First of all you need to know what all those symbols mean - you can find them with a google search of electrical symbols. There are differant types like american etc. Then you need to know the differant types of wiring diagrams like ladder, schematic, line etc. next is when reading diagrams to focus on one section at a time like a page in a book we (or most of us) cant read the whole page at once, usually words then centences. Some diagrams will have a key or ledgend designating what the symbols mean. Some will even have nubmers indicating which terminal or wire or colour. Most are abreviated like C for contact or R for relay or coil. A knowledge of relay logic will also help ( Nikola Tesla was the first to patent the And and Or circuit). You can find plenty of books by searching amazon.com. Good luck

02-04-2010, 04:11 PM
Agree. Mechanical HVAC system works by Electricity and its Controls and w/out a basic knowledge of this we cannot run & troubleshoot these sophisticated machineries. To learn more, better attend seminars or training on HVAC controls,Motor controls,etc and apply these on the actual field.

09-04-2010, 07:54 PM

Does anybody have wiring diagram for carrier Genesis r90? Please email me: Matej.ivencnik@gmail.com