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View Full Version : Old Daikin controller codes pls

Steve J C
13-02-2010, 11:31 PM
Hi Guys
Have older style Daikin RY 1 225 with BRC 1852/62 controller that is short cycling. Want to check sensitivity at set point. Does any-one have a complete list of perameter code settings out there? No luck with Daikin web site, possibly too old.

Steve J C
15-02-2010, 08:50 AM
Hi Guys - Controller should read BRC 1B52/62

15-02-2010, 08:01 PM
Hi Guys
Have older style Daikin RY 1 225 with BRC 1852/62 controller that is short cycling. Want to check sensitivity at set point. Does any-one have a complete list of perameter code settings out there? No luck with Daikin web site, possibly too old.
Hi Steve,
I think you need to verify the full outdoor & indoor model numbers. What do you mean by, the controller is short cycling? What field setting are you looking for?

Steve J C
13-12-2010, 08:51 AM
Hi Steve,
I think you need to verify the full outdoor & indoor model numbers. What do you mean by, the controller is short cycling? What field setting are you looking for?

Smart arse

13-12-2010, 01:59 PM
Smart arse

Wow what an idiot!

15-12-2010, 08:34 PM
Smart arse

Wow what an idiot! X2


There have been various RY125 models produced and the field settings can vary also the UK and Australian models differ, I could have cross referenced the full model number and given you the field settings you require.

I asked you a genuine question asking you to explain what you meant by the controller was short cycling?

Now considering the fact that it’s you who’s looking for information from forum members and have only posted 8 times I will treat your SMART ARSE reply with the contempt it deserves. :rolleyes:

Steve J C
15-12-2010, 08:37 PM
There are certain responses within the forum which are both helpful and informative There are other responses in which the writers pick up on grammatical, spelling and or other errors and attempt to belittle the party asking the question. I have seen numerous occasions of this. We are all in the same profession with daily problems that we seek solutions for. Lets drop the ego bit and try to help one-another.
Frank, your warning is taken on board, perhaps you would look at the validity of my comment.
Wishing all of you guys out there the very best for the Christmas Season. Stay safe!

Steve J C
15-12-2010, 08:46 PM


There have been various RY125 models produced and the field settings can vary also the UK and Australian models differ, I could have cross referenced the full model number and given you the field settings you require.

I asked you a genuine question asking you to explain what you meant by the controller was short cycling?

Now considering the fact that it’s you who’s looking for information from forum members and have only posted 8 times I will treat your SMART ARSE reply with the contempt it deserves. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the response. The Unit was short cycling, not the controller. If it was your intention to assist and respond to a badly worded question I apologize to you for my comments with regard to certain parties that appear to have 'other agendas' , My comments however remain. I trust that they will be taken in the spirit intended. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

16-12-2010, 12:40 PM
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