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View Full Version : SGMS buying Space

04-01-2010, 08:36 PM
Hi everyone

Any news from the SGMS engineers on this site,

Have they bought Space ? or is it the other way round.

The SGMS website is still closed.


04-01-2010, 09:07 PM
SGMS is no more.

Most J.S people went to Space.

06-01-2010, 04:08 PM
they've gone bust owing alot of ppl alot of money.... me included! not happy.

06-01-2010, 06:25 PM
they've gone bust owing alot of ppl alot of money.... me included! not happy.

Rbh sorry to hear about your problems with SGMS but does the holding company still operate ?

It was Spencer Gibbons Heating at one time and I know they had a lot more varied work than just the supermarket stuff.

They were doing work for a number of councils including Birmingham & Solihull

regards pingo

06-01-2010, 07:20 PM
las t i was aware they got grouped by morrison, they then basically told whitbread and sainsburys to bollocks then lost m&s. im not sure whether the m&e side is still operational but if it is it wont be under the guise of sgms, intagral uk have bought them out after they went into receivership, but i think the m&e guys also went to space, i think they did anyway.

just my opinion but they where a bunch of incompetent fools who couldnt organize a piss up in a brewery, all went downhill after morrison got involved.

just my opinion based on my experience with them.

09-01-2010, 02:08 PM
SGMS have gone under i heard and there engineers didnt get paid a crimbo!!!

09-01-2010, 02:21 PM
SGMS have gone under I heard and there engineers didn't get paid at crimbo!!!

Depends which engineers you mean.

The ones taken on by Integral will have been paid.
The ones under TUPE to Space have definitely been paid.
The ones not required by Integral and that didn't qualify for TUPE won't have been, other than their final week but that's only a handful.

09-01-2010, 02:23 PM
i did hear that out the rumour mill tho!

09-01-2010, 02:24 PM
its nice to hear the truth!!!

09-01-2010, 04:04 PM
it is a shame to hear about sgms i used to work for them when they had the sainsburys contract in the nottingham and derby area i was an apprentise under john james and he was an brillant service manager, i would of carried working for them if carters didnt take over the sainsburys contract and being tupe over to carters and then worked for a twat called phil hammond. they were an brillant company to work for.

09-01-2010, 07:50 PM
reading these posts over the last few years is amazing, in that how many times you read about engineers being tuped here or tuped there or shoved from pillar to post and not getting paid ect,ect, These supermarkets have a lot to answer for. i feel lucky to have only worked for 1 company for last 18 years as all this tupe lark would put me right of this trade!!!

10-01-2010, 04:07 AM
What is Tupe?

10-01-2010, 09:18 AM
When one contractor takes over working for a customer from another contractor, all the employees working on that contract fall Under Tupe.
That gives them continued employment, and transfer of most their employment terms and conditions to the new contractor.

For an employee to qualify, the majority of your work has to have been on the contract in question.

I seen it successfully happen lots of people over the years, now it's my turn..


10-01-2010, 10:10 AM
Very interesting. Thank you for the information.

Seems that many of the European socialist views have migrated across the Euro workplace. Very nice for the employee.

11-01-2010, 08:34 AM
when i was tupe from sgms to carters, carters had a shock because when carters took over the contract they estimated an monthly call outs at around 2000-3000 call outs but because when i was working for sgms and we was paid an salary there was no reason to book call out on the fm system at sainsburys you just did the job, but carters did not know this and on the 1st week of carters taking over the contract there was about 5000 call outs on the fm system at sains burys, so carters had underestimated the contract cost so they was going to be losing money, so in my belife carters decided to try and change peoples salarys and put engineers onto hourly rates, but this is agianst the tupe code of conduct and the company cannot do this, so when carters tried to do this to me i said i would sue them under breach of tupe law. so the following week i went to pick up parts from the wholesaler but i was told not to by carters, so i got a phone call from the service manager asking where i was i said i was on site in ashbourne at 800am but he didnt say he was already on site i known i wasnt there, safe to say the service manager phoned the head of contracts telling him everything safe to say i was sacked for this. before i could put my claim in agianst the company. but what i think it was all about they where trying to cut cost by sacking a few lads to keep profits up. i believe i was one of them.

11-01-2010, 06:31 PM
tupe gives you 6 or 12 months on your old contract . thats the old company you worked for b4 tupe . then you got to take up the new contract with new company or leave. you dont hav to go on to the new contact straight away . if you tihnk you hav been hard dun too . go to ACAS they will tell you wat you need to know .

13-01-2010, 03:02 PM
the problem was i got sacked for claiming two hours on site when i wasnt and the service manager was waiting for me on site but didint tell me so he was relaying this back to his boss then they sacked me. i did go to acas about carters trying to change my contract and my working titile as well but because they sacked me for the hours there was not alot they could do.

Mr Angry !!!
13-01-2010, 03:45 PM
las t i was aware they got grouped by morrison, they then basically told whitbread and sainsburys to bollocks then lost m&s. im not sure whether the m&e side is still operational but if it is it wont be under the guise of sgms, intagral uk have bought them out after they went into receivership, but i think the m&e guys also went to space, i think they did anyway.

just my opinion but they where a bunch of incompetent fools who couldnt organize a piss up in a brewery, all went downhill after morrison got involved.

just my opinion based on my experience with them.

As an ex SGMS worker, one of the lucky ones who TUPE'd over to Integral I can confirm the SG's office staff were totally culpable for the firms demise along with the handfull of lazy supervisors doing nothing but feathering their own nests !!!
The amount of work not invoiced for, even though work was completed was running into huge sums of money, but you couldn't move in that office without stepping on the toe of some supervisor or manager.
People stealing company money and equipment went from the very top to the very bottom. These people know who they are and the ex workers know who they are. They are responsable for Gordon Morrison pulling the plug and who can blame him.
I feel sorry for all the guys sent home before christmas with no money and no job, hope you guys get work quickly.

14-01-2010, 09:26 PM
the problem was i got sacked for claiming two hours on site when i wasnt and the service manager was waiting for me on site but didint tell me so he was relaying this back to his boss then they sacked me. i did go to acas about carters trying to change my contract and my working titile as well but because they sacked me for the hours there was not alot they could do.

if you were away collecting parts why didnt you say that when asked ? not a problem if thats wat you were upto :D .

15-01-2010, 09:36 PM
my dad and brother worked for sgms they are now working for project first

750 Valve
16-01-2010, 11:41 AM
been sitting back for a good year now reading all this space, sgms, denmans hullabaloo.... all I can say is sh!te its cut throat over your way, thank god for the lay of the land in Australia - its still driven by the two major supermarkets and the three major refrig contractors (well 4 now that City is here) but at least its predictable and somewhat sane, especially when it comes to fridgie's pays.

Hope all you fellas strugglin due to contract changes see a way through it