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View Full Version : Cost effective Freezer/Cooler Fire Detection

13-12-2004, 01:24 PM
I would like to hear from everyone who has either dumped water in their freezer or filled their pipes with water. This is a disasterous situation.

We manufacture an air sampling system that can actually detect particles of combustion long before any smoke or heat which is required for other detectors to alarm.

Think about your linear heat wire. How big do the flames have to be to reach 155 degrees, 15 feet away in a minus 20 degree ambient temperature?

We have a solution to your fire detection concerns. Don't just save the building, save the contents too. The contents are worth more than the builiding itself. Not to mention, our systems can be less expensive than just repairing a linear heat system.

Visit our website for more information www.safefiredetection.com or email me at marvin@safefiredetection.com

Our website has a multitude of downloads regarding freezer/cooler fire detection.

13-12-2004, 08:33 PM
Is there a point to this post? :confused:

13-12-2004, 08:46 PM
It can save hundreds of thousands of dollars to a freezer/cooler warehouse, in installation or repair of linear heat wire. It can prevent downtime, reduce maintenance, and can actually let you know there is a fire long before the flames, smoke and water damage most of the freezer's contents.

chillin out
13-12-2004, 09:03 PM
well I for one don`t really care if the whole room gets burn`t to a frazzle as long as nobody is injured.

These kind of `little mishaps` keep me and my workmates in a job.

If you wanted to try and sell your product take it to the people who care, like the warehouse managers.

If we (refrigeration techs) can`t sell preventative maintenance that could save them thousands coming from their pockets I can`t see how you can sell a product that might sometime (or maybe not) save them thousands coming from thir insurance.

No offence intended Marvin it`s just my opinion.

erm welcome to the site. :)

13-12-2004, 10:55 PM
Is there a point to this post? :confused:Oh, come on Frank; it's an advert :rolleyes: ; you know, those things they stick between the programmes on TV so that you can go get a cold one from the fridge without missing the story line. :D

14-12-2004, 09:12 PM
I'm just trying to educate the freezer/cooler industry that there is an alternative to linear heat wire. We actually detected the smoke from a fire marshalls cigar with sample heads 89 feet off the floor.

14-12-2004, 09:20 PM
Oh, come on Frank; it's an advert ; you know, those things they stick between the programmes on TV so that you can go get a cold one from the fridge without missing the story line.


Now everyone knows that I don't watch TV :D :p