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17-10-2009, 06:39 PM
Greetings and well wishes to all. To try and make it simple, I am living by an old proven motto. " IF YOU KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING....YOU KEEP GETTING WHAT YOU GOT !!! ". I had a bad day and a private meltdown. Now I am going in a new direction. I am in need of knowledgable proven successful advice on a new business software program to re-structure my small but overworked business. I want to start from scratch and need the best computer program offered to set-up all forms of accounting, time management, inventory, pricing & quote spec updating, printing of proposals..invoicing..acct. payable & receivable..THE WHOLE PACKAGE. Iknow I'm asking a lot but I also know I'm asking the right people. Give me a manifold and meter and I'm " killer ". The numbers part of the biz is frustrating. I put my faith in a " I got the guy for you " but it cost me thousands in mistakes. Now I want to fly or crash on my own work. So...if anyone can take pity on my and point me in the right direction, I will be in your debt. I am Illinois based, Windows based, willing to learn and fed up !!! I know there is an answer to my problem, I just needed to ask the " family ". Thanks to all for their input, opinions and , most of all, their understanding. Today I can't afford not to do whatever it takes to improve. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and best wishes for everyone's success. !!!:)

17-10-2009, 11:53 PM
im running Reckon Quickbooks Pro but i would say more companys are using MYOB (make your own beer or mind your own business) to me quickbooks is easier.myob did have a head start over quickbooks here so i think that is more likely the reason for larger usage.contact your accountant as to what program they prefer as it did take a little while to find one for quickbooks.
cheers and good luck

El Padre
18-10-2009, 11:39 AM
Hi Feisty,

There is a company here in the UK called Clik, they offer programs that can cover all administritive tasks, even link with remote devices PDA's etc.
Perhaps if you have a look on their website www.cliksoftware.com (http://www.cliksoftware.com) it would give you some ideas on what to ask from a US based company, if you wanted to see someone in person.


28-10-2009, 11:06 PM
I have seen a package called Simply Accounting. It is based on the old 'ACC PAC' software. It is accounts linked with stock etc. It can run bill of materials if you manufacture etc.

28-08-2010, 02:35 PM
Just a bump because I'm a mess too in this department.

I have been bad with the taxes and crap, so I need to improve here myself.

I used an old quicken, but full of too much junk, found it hard to keep track of GST.

I'm trying to find something tax BAS etc friendly and easy on that side of things.

I've looked into nearly everything on linux, and in desperation, myob, cashflow manager, cashbook on windows.

Seems to me they are all based on B2B and selling items.
I don't need that much setup for the joe bloggs blow in customers I have which are individuals not businesses, and I don't need shipping addresses or massive lists of items as I don't sell stock like a wholesaler.
Something designed for a fridgey, car mechanic, electrician etc who sells service retail COD . Does such thing exist?

So a simple customer name and address and that's it, and address fields are billing address and tenancy address if it's a rented/leased building.

Anyone got a more simple accounting program (that's not so simple it's hard to keep track of tax, but can keep trak of multiple accounts and can compile info for quarterly tax paid/collected ?

27-04-2011, 07:23 AM
good sharing ............