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View Full Version : Anyone tried Samsung yet ?

21-09-2004, 10:14 PM
To follow up from the Sanyo post, i just wondered what people think about Samsung.
So far we have installed two : a small twin split and a 11.5kw cassette.
The twin system has a couple of niggles, one being a vibrating casing( not ideal in a bedroom at night) and the second a themostat problem.
The big cassete works fine in heating mode but in cooling mode there is a problem yet to be diagnosed.I will report back as soon as i can get back to site.
Anybody else fitted any yet ?


23-09-2004, 05:16 PM
Yes we installed 6 Samsungs. Cassette type in a nursing home-28,000 btruh. One of them had continual problems. Dip switches set wrong, thermostat problems, freezing up. We had the factory guys come to the job site and they tried a bunch of things.

This year one of the compressors burnt out. As a result the system was contaminated with a green slime. We tried every thing to get it out and cleaned up. What a mess!! Finally I demanded that they send me a whole new system. Which they did.

I think their equipment is lacking but the factory trys to be accomodating.

What's a "niggle"? I don't think we are allowed to say that in America :)

23-09-2004, 07:16 PM
Hi Bencool.

A niggle is something small that irritates like a small stone in your shoe..........
Get my point?
I know you do.

Here is a link that will help you understand your "cousins" from across the pond (east) http://www.effingpot.com

There many like this one on the web.

By the way, from my short experiance with Samsung AC - crap!

Mobile phones - the best.

Chemi :)

23-09-2004, 10:45 PM
and we all know who the parent company of samsung is don't we;-)??

DOH !!



24-09-2004, 12:51 AM
What have i let myself in for ?
Go on, tell us. Who is it ?



24-09-2004, 01:08 AM
Well slap my belly with a wet kipper, a little bit of research and guess what turned up.
No other than "SANYO".
Is this correct ?
Must be all the workshop sweepings, cobbled together and re-branded.

Check the link




24-09-2004, 08:14 AM
well it seems that I have been labouring under a flase impression.

when I did some work at the LG during it's construction as the largest electrical/electronics manufacturing plant in europe


the talk was that this was to be the new face of samsung -ie LG
(as none of us had ever heard of LG then....)

however it seems that this is not quite correct as they would appear to be seperate companies


however like most of these companies shared technology is all the rage and thier products have a very simular look.

sorry for the confuzz

i stand corrected


24-09-2004, 06:02 PM
we found electronic was too complicated and could not withstand power fluctuation like sanyo

24-09-2004, 08:45 PM
Here is a link that will help you understand your "cousins" from across the pond (east) http://www.effingpot.com

Well thanks Chemi for the link. I was reading it over. But I'll tell you one thing. When I get to visit England I AM NOT eating any "faggots". And when you come to America I advise you not to seek out any faggots either. :)

24-09-2004, 09:01 PM
Hi Bencool.

Faggots are not that bad, I've tried them.

Dont miss the Haggis if in Scotland.

The best English dish is defenatly Indian food. You will need a lot of cooling afterwords! ;)

Chemi :)

27-09-2004, 09:06 AM
Faggots are not that bad, I've tried them.

Oh Really Chemi! :eek:

The american term "faggot" is slang for HOMOSEXUAL :D :D

27-09-2004, 05:45 PM
Hi Frank.

I strongly believe this was the meaning:

"Faggot - Never knock faggots until you have tried them! They are a traditional British delicacy. Made by many butchers, they are meatballs wrapped in a casing of intestine. Delicious! The best known commercial brand is Brains Faggots - eat them with gravy"

I'm not that desperate yet! :rolleyes:

Chemi :)

27-09-2004, 07:53 PM
Oh Really Chemi! :eek:

The american term "faggot" is slang for HOMOSEXUAL :D :D

Yup! that's true!! That's way I was warning Chemi not to ask for any faggots when he visits America. :D Oh man, am I ever going to get myself in trouble when I visit England.

27-09-2004, 07:59 PM
sitting here i think chemi is teasing you about faggots..firstly they are disgusting i have worked in many a butchers whilst watching 'earoles and arseoles' being minced

and secondly as it was he who pointed out the website for 'translation' he knows exactly what he's saying ;-)




27-09-2004, 08:18 PM
Hi Richard.

The English food is the worst food on earth. Try to explain to bencool what is Tripe (I hope I spell it right)!

Really the best "English" food is Indian and Italian.

You have to admit that you do have some weird dishes. :eek:

Chemi :)

Karl Hofmann
27-09-2004, 10:03 PM
Ha! If you were to bum a fag of a guy you'd be presented with a cigarette, in the US you'd have a revolver shoved up your nose.

Despite the fact that genetically I'm a kraut, I do find the smell wafting form a Fish & Chip shop irresistable, and Black pudding is simply superb, but if you actually thought about what it is made of you would puke. The British have some wonderfull food, but Tripe is for dogs and Jellied eels is for those who live in tha Saarf ;)

27-09-2004, 10:58 PM
Ha! If you were to bum a fag of a guy you'd be presented with a cigarette, in the US you'd have a revolver shoved up your nose.


It would all depend on what neighborhood you were in if you got the revolver in the nostral. But to be sure if you called someone a fag or faggot you would get the middle finger extended upward in your direction. :)