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View Full Version : I have no clue about refrigerants....

22-07-2009, 09:37 AM
I own a small shop in Chicago, we just had our Taylor machine serviced and he added refrigerant. Unfortunately our slushee machine isn't slushing and he's not able to touch it as a Taylor employee.

He had to run but he told me I could easily refill the refrigerant myself no problem.

I get home to start looking stuff up and it doesn't seem very simple... First off it takes r404a (which I already can't find, no I am not licensed) I'm also assuming they don't sell that in convenient tiny refills with the gauges (like a car). Nor do I know the specifics of what to do.

I'm kind of at a loss and I'm obviously going to give someone a call tomorrow. I'm just surprised he would mention so casually that its very easy for me to do it myself. Is it? Am I missing something?

Thank you!!

22-07-2009, 10:54 AM
Nope, stick with your original idea of getting someone out.
Refrigeration systems don't have a min and max "fill to this point" level indicator.

Honestly, just to buy the refrigerant and gauges will be more than a call-out. And if something goes wrong you could damage your equipment, and that will cost lots and lots of $$$. Not to mention that it might not even be low on refrigerant.

22-07-2009, 08:18 PM
Very sound advice thank you. Yeah I understand there's no simple indicator, it has to be hooked up to a gauge to check the weight or something of the like.

I suppose I'll just call out.

22-07-2009, 08:54 PM
Everything is easy... for someone who has done it a few hundred (or a few thousand) times.