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26-07-2004, 08:10 PM
“Develop a Dogged Determination to Follow Through on Your Plan, Regardless of Obstacles, Criticism or Circumstances or What Other People Say, Think, or Do.” ~ Paul J. Meyer.

“Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.” – Henry Ford


26-07-2004, 08:18 PM
Talk is cheap Abe.

You either got it or you don't.

Its as simple as that.


26-07-2004, 08:26 PM
He heee, I know it is Chem............its easy to talk............but harder to do.......

Look at the big guys............Richard Branson......Robert Mazwell ( Late) and other big business guys..........They dont even know how to use a computer...........or have not been to college

But they..........." Got it"

But Legal / Marketing has been having a quiet period........what with Hobbies boiling over at the moment !!! lol

So I thought I perk this section up a bit........You know, do my bit..........Keep Dez happy !!!!

26-07-2004, 08:38 PM
Its a shame really cause we only hear about the success stories.

What about all those who failed? Nobody even heard about them.

Very few are changing the world.

Sitting on my porch in the evening, a bottle of cold red wine, cool wind from the desert, who wants to change the world? :)

But then again, who are we if it keeps Dez happy ;)


26-07-2004, 08:47 PM
>But they..........." Got it"

Don't let your inhibitions stop you; You Got it, You Do it, just go dream and you'll find IT.

26-07-2004, 08:57 PM
Thats remind me a story of a young man who wanted to get rich quick but did not want to work.
He sent letters to people telling them in many beautiful words that if they want to get a lot of money in a short time they should send him 5$.
No big deal to find a million idiots.

You know what he told all of them??

Do as I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chemi :)

26-07-2004, 10:59 PM
Talking about failure...........no one wants to admit it
Its a negative thing...........Its the conditioning thing again.

We dream of winning the lottery...........and millions will buy a ticket.

One or two win...........They are at the top of the iceberg
The body below the waterline are the failures............over 2/3 rds of them.

Its a reality of life, but with blinkered eyes we refuse to believe in the facet that Yes.......its okay to fail.......To fail is to have tried, had a go or attempted.

Society does not tolerate failure..........only success

Hence we worship our celebs and idols.....and only these receive the limelight.

If only we could study failure...........and look at failure, and not condemn failure, But learn from it........

There is a well known saying.............The Man who did not make a mistake did not make anything

Ultimate Success is built on failure

The best drivers are those who have crashed...........

I still remember a sight.............I was still at school , on the bus going home. A student a few years ahead of me was crying........He failed his "O" levels..............On the bus this 16 or 17 year old was shedding tears.

But not for long..............He did something about it........He changed his ways..............He didnt fail an exam after that

Today he is a Heart Specialist in America.

It is only when you fail, that you win.

So, yes, as Chem says..........Do we look at failures.

Looking up at the Trumps of the world is like looking to buy a lottery ticket

Look at the mass body...........and learn to evade it. The Titanic didnt.......

26-07-2004, 11:41 PM
Thunders just a noise
Lightning does the work

26-07-2004, 11:42 PM
Succes is measured by your ability to maintain enthusiasm between failures,
Winston Churchill :)

27-07-2004, 12:15 AM
When your born in America your already a WINNER! :confused: :D

27-07-2004, 10:53 AM
Do you play the lottery? (Just want to see how big you take your chances :D )

27-07-2004, 02:55 PM
When your born in America your already a WINNER!

That was your worst line so far!

Read this and try another one:

Numbers hungry and in poverty in USA increase
According to the New York Times

Nearly 3.8 million [American] families were hungry last year to the point that someone in the household skipped meals because the family could not afford them.
34.6 million Americans 'were living in poverty last year.' And those figures are above the 2001 rates - sometimes substantially. For instance, the increase in the numbers in poverty was 1.7m, or 4.9%, while the number of families with someone who went hungry increased by 8.6% over 2001, which was in itself an incease of 13% over the figure for 2000.

In class yesterday someone quoted a figure from a high school civics lesson, where they heard that 30% of those born poor in the USA would not die poor, and this showed the room for self-advancement in the US system, and by implication showed the superiority of capitalism. Apart from wondering about comparable figures for other comparable examples, the fact that poverty is still measured in absolute terms in the USA is something I have discussed here previously. These figures provide a shocking - at least it should be shocking - picture of the reality of life for so many people living in the United States today.


28-07-2004, 11:06 PM
In the late 1950s, the overall poverty rate for individuals in the United States was 22 percent, representing 39.5 million poor persons. Between 1959 and 1969, the poverty rate declined dramatically and steadily to 12.1 percent. As a result of a sluggish economy, the rate increased slightly to 12.5 percent by 1971. In 1972 and 1973, however, it began to decrease again. In 1973, the poverty rate was 11.1 percent. At that time roughly 23 million people were poor.
In 1975 the poverty rate increased to 12.3 percent. It then oscillated around 11.5 percent for the next few years. After 1978, however, the rate rose steadily, reaching 15.2 percent in 1983. Thereafter it remained mostly higher than 13 percent. In 1993 it reached a new high of 15.1 percent, and then began to fall slowly. In 2000, 31 million people were poor (11.3 percent of the population). In 2001 the number of poor and the poverty rate both rose as economic difficulties moved into recession; in 2002, 34.6 million people (12.1 percent of the population) were poor by the official measure of poverty.
In 1950 we had a population of 154 million people so at 22% = 34M and now we have 34.6M = to 12.1% so I would say we made a lot of progress. Yes, we have a lot of problems but after all is said and done, you must admit that this is the greatest country on the planet and not to take a cheap shot but the ONLY reason your country exists is because we love and care about you and your survival. A proud American!!! Now I know some of you don’t like what I have to say, but that’s OK I hold no animosity to anyone. I’m to old to concern myself with what some people think about me. I like this web site and I enjoy reading all of your posts. So Chemi, take care and stay out of Gaza for heavens sake

28-07-2004, 11:27 PM

Calm down bud.............calm down. We know your country is a fine great country..........and so should u be proud..........and are..........Good for you.

But , sometimes it is good to be modest as well.........and not to keep thrusting your chest forward and proclaiming what a hot shot citizen and country, power you are.

Yes, its better to be modest, and try and appreciate and look for goodness in others as well.......

You know the latest fad, in the old days celebrities and stars were reviered.......adored, admired, even to the point of worship

These days, celebs are reviled and ridiculed........any opportunity to highlight any weakness.......

Same, here.............stay good, say few things, say nice things....You will be liked by everyone........

Im sure youre a very nice man......but you come across like that Sheriff guy in , ( whats that prog???) The guy who keeps chasing these two guys over the border...

So if you forgive me, kind sir........Ive said my peace.........Now dont go hollering your head off........youll get a hernia...............LOL


29-07-2004, 12:15 AM
Aiyub: My God, thanks for helping me on the straight and narrow; what would I do If didn't have friends like you? ;) I am not as serious as you make me sound, actually, I like to stur the pot. It's the devil in me or as Flip Wilson used to say " the devil made me do it" Many times I say things to see what kind of reaction I would get, Kinda like some one we know, but seriously, I never play games with trying to help others with problems. Best Wishes :D

29-07-2004, 09:41 AM
When your born in America your already a WINNER! :confused: :D

Expressions like these confirms our opinions.
Try to find the poverty numbers for Belgium. Only a fraction of those in the US.
We care for those who have less and we build a ystem that those who have the money helps those who haven't.

30-07-2004, 12:27 AM
"We care for those who have less and we build a ystem that those who have the money helps those who haven't".
Hay, if your feeling generous you can send me any extra money you don't use because I probably have less. Common Pete, get off the pedestal ;)

08-04-2005, 12:47 AM
We give to the illegals! Immigrants, spongers, families of 4+ kids and not a days work in them!
In the UK, if you have both a job and an address, you get nothing but TAXXED excessively.

As for sayings: If you do it right, you need only do it once.