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View Full Version : Cooling Problem

Waqas Ahmad
03-07-2009, 05:30 AM
I am facing problem of Unit Cooling Complaint from After Market. I have personally visited the site to see the actual conditions. This is basically 1.5 ton split air conditioner.Suction pressure, ampere, voltage are all within range but unit was not giving the chilled cooling. After 35 minutes working, the grille temperature is 13C where the ambient outside is about 35C.

What should be the grille temperaure under such conditions? Is there any mathematical calculation, by which we can find the specific grille temperature after some working or in other words after how much time, we can get the specific grille temperature. This calcultion may require the area of the room where the unit is installed.

Kindly help and oblige.

03-07-2009, 11:48 PM
Some basic information regarding the unit concerned would be useful and allow us to help perhaps.

Also a set of readings from the unit to show what state it is running in.

04-07-2009, 01:22 AM
13c tell us nothing unless we know the air on the coil temp.

Supply air
return air
and pressures would be great.

04-07-2009, 04:17 PM
I am facing problem of Unit Cooling Complaint from After Market. I have personally visited the site to see the actual conditions. This is basically 1.5 ton split air conditioner.Suction pressure, ampere, voltage are all within range but unit was not giving the chilled cooling. After 35 minutes working, the grille temperature is 13C where the ambient outside is about 35C.

What should be the grille temperaure under such conditions? Is there any mathematical calculation, by which we can find the specific grille temperature after some working or in other words after how much time, we can get the specific grille temperature. This calcultion may require the area of the room where the unit is installed.
Kindly help and oblige.
I'm not sure what application you're referring to.
If it's a residence then my reply is as below.

The outside temp has much less effect on the indoor temp-split than the indoor conditions.

A normal indoor split at 50% relative humidity is around 18-F. You can convert that to -C.

At low humidities it could go to 24-F or so.
At very high humidities a 13-SEER could down to a 10 or 11-F temp-split. -udarrell