View Full Version : TUPE (Sainsbury) right or wrong

25-06-2009, 11:38 PM
This week for all involved is too much, guys on lists who have never worked in JS never mind parked in a JS whats going on.The more established firms are well versed in this but feel sorry for the guys concerned at Wr as it seems like survival of the fittest or who buys the service manager the most pints at the bar...

End users make a stand its our lively hoods on the line..


Sorry for the rant just frustrated that's all..


25-06-2009, 11:56 PM
if i am correct you can only get tupe over if you work about 70% of your time on that contract so u cannot be forced over.and why would u get pushed over if youve never worked on js stores if you have the contract surley you must have worked in one of there stores at some point.

26-06-2009, 05:01 PM
The incoming contractor has the right to see time sheets and worksheets showing the nominated Tupee person does work on the relevant contract.

If no proof or inadequate proof is given then the Tupee is rejected, unless the new contractor needs the staff.

26-06-2009, 08:26 PM
i have been involved with this tupe this week its a lot of ****e all that happens is it upsets engineers i feel it would be better if you lose a contract make guys redundant then they get the job with the in coming contractor anyway the whole situation stinks!

28-06-2009, 11:38 PM
Well said Coolhibby it makes you sick to the back teeth with the trade.:mad:

29-06-2009, 11:38 AM
Gents,It's happening to me and my team...I was happy where I was but these things happen...nowt we can do about it...you've just got to give it your best shot and I'm sure y'all will end up doing a great job....as Rudyard Kipling once said " if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same "