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View Full Version : mitsi condensor fan

16-06-2009, 06:11 PM
hey fellas took over a job today from another engineer who has just changed the reversing valve,i was the one who got to run it up pressure test vac etc etc.Ran the unit up found power going to the solenoid valve which there shouldnt be thus making it go into heat mode i checked the several other units next to it which are the same. So what makes power now go to the solenoid??? next problem was the condensor fan only running very very slowly and very jerky as if power spikes going to it??.I changed the fan with another unit and also the module but still the fan wouldnt run correct going to change the boards over tomoz and see were it takes me. What controls the fan from the board there is a connector,black and white then from the module a red and orange cable??? then fan had no power in it i could even stop it with my hand very easily thanks alot


Mitsubishi electric

Model No- PUH-P3YGAA

17-06-2009, 11:10 PM
sounds like you have a faulty board and the relay that supplies the 4 way valve is latched...

18-06-2009, 10:49 PM
cheers brunstar turned out to be the board thanks alot
