View Full Version : York Chiller OA Lockout temp adjustment ISN

13-05-2009, 06:57 PM
I have an york chill plant, 2 chillers, that is controlled by an ISN control package. In the universal digital controller panel is a keypad display unit that allow me to make changes as needed to control the chill plant. I can adjust pump pressure, chilled water temps, staging of the pumps and on and on...

I want to change the outdoor lockout temperature so I can bring my chillers on at a different temp. Does anyone know what varible I have to change? The one I have found comes up with an number of 650, which I assume is 65.0 degrees. I want to bring on my chiller at 60 degrees so I have tried to change that number to 600. I can type the number in but I can't get it to accept it and lock it in. I am assuming I am trying to adjust the wrong number. Any suggestions?

Yuri B.
14-05-2009, 03:46 PM
What is ISN control package? I think you should specify the model of your chiller and its controller.