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View Full Version : Heat Reclaim

07-06-2004, 09:08 AM
Do other Fridge Engineers out there have ongoing problems regarding the performance of PARALELL HEAT RECLAIM SYSTEMS?

Any performace data you can provide with real life operational information would be greatly appreciated.

I am interested in the energy effeciency of this so called "free heat" :rolleyes:

07-06-2004, 03:41 PM
hi tako,

I've installed aheat reclaim system in a dairy in 87. it was a stainless steel 200L tank with 3 refrigerant circuits. supplying hot water for the milking parlour at 40C. no problems for 10 years. then it started leaking inside and was replaced by another one made by ELEKTROGENO gmbh. started leaking after 5 years and the owner didn't want to use them anymore.

it is not cheap and when no problems, it supply's free hot water at 40 to 60C depends on how long the condensing units work.

I would advice to check the rentability against the price of a KW electricity.

there is a new hot water device that works on the principal of conductivity and supply's instant hot water up to 95C.
so far it works fine (only one year at use). owner is pleased but the cost , again is not cheap.
