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View Full Version : New system sealer

Ken Spragg
09-05-2001, 12:19 PM
I found a new A/C system sealer about 2 months ago. This stuff seems to be working out very well. It travels with the oil instead of the refrigerant so there is no chance of contamination. In addition, since it is a two can application it can't plug the port like some of these products do. Instead of it being a "goo: it is in liquid form and because you have to be able to draw and hold a 24" vacuum for five minutes you know whether the product will correct the pinhole leaks before you install it. Simple - Effective.

14-12-2001, 04:15 AM
sounded interesting like putting eggs in car radiators to auto plug

10-04-2002, 06:09 PM
And then it plugs the TEV orifice as well? Sorry but I am dubious about these sort of items in refrigeration plants

Ken Spragg
10-04-2002, 08:36 PM
thousands of satisfied customers can't be wrong!

09-11-2003, 07:55 AM
Are there independent scientifical reports for your product, tested during some years, on diffferent systems (aircon t ofreezers), with different oils, different refrigerants,.....?
That is for me always the only prove that the product is ok.
Why not simple search for the leaks and fix them like a good technician must do?
Those products seems for me only to be used in the DIY market.

Karl Hofmann
09-11-2003, 07:24 PM
Sorry Ken,

But that leak sealer is specifically for automotive use and is awfull stuff. It does set in the drier, it does cause your lubricant to gell and it does horrid things to your recovery equipment, I know because I tested it with a view to importing it to the UK. I'm afraid that my testing wasn't very scientific, I simply used it as I would expect any garage based aircon repairer to use it. The quality automotive aircon repairers over in the US and Canada hate this stuff with a vengance, fortunatly it is not widely used in the UK.

To keep things ballanced I would say that the same manufacturer does produce the best aluminium alloy brazing system that I have ever used for a good quality and lasting repair.


10-11-2003, 12:13 PM
On the subject of system additives, it may be worth remembering that many manufacturers are notoriously conservative about what wonderful new preparations go into their systems.

It is always worth checking with them that it will not affect their warranties.
Honda CB200 (http://www.honda-wiki.org/wiki/Honda_CB200)

Ken Spragg
10-11-2003, 12:28 PM
Thanks for all your replies. The product is tested in over 22, 000 vehicles. When the job is done right it finds the "pinhole" leaks in the system that cannot be detected with dye. Very slow leaks like those around crimps on rubber hoses are hardly ever detectable. Because the instructions state that you must be able to pull 24" of vacuum, it shows that the manufacturer is not trying to plug the Grand Canyon, just pinholes. The product is already available in the UK via Greece. As far as the Canadian and U.S. techs disliking the product, I believe you are wrong. The quality techs, who understand what the product does and it's limitations can use this as a good tool in their arsenal. The plugging up you are speaking of would only happen when the tech does not change the rec/drier or decadent bag or he uses the product it a system that is wet. A tech who tries to use the product as a "cure all" or to repair a "dead" system will of course have problems.

Argus - You are correct. Vehicle manufacturers are pretty picky about what does and does not go into their systems. System sealers are quite high on their list of "do nots". The aftermarket however is coming to the realization that this product (and ones similar) can be used if they are used correctly.

Karl Hofmann
10-11-2003, 07:46 PM

A pin hole leak means that the leak must be repaired. if the pinhole is from corrosion, then the hole will get bigger, if it is a cracked component then it is from vibration and will get worse, it is easier and cheaper to replace "O" rings and a dodgy crimp can easily be repaired by a decent auto a/c guy with the right equipment. So I can only suggest that this product is aimed at the "Cowboys" of the motor trade (Sorry Mr Herefishy). Will the manufacturers reimburse me for the damage done to my recovery equipment when this product sets inside it?

I think that we all know that most garage a/c guys will not bother to replace the drier (The manufacturers charge the earth and place them in stupid places) so I think that this product is a time bomb waiting to go off (literally)

The issue of leak sealers have been beaten to death on the ACkits website, the conclusion was that they cause more damage then they fix, I gain no joy from presenting anyone with a huge bill to repair a bodged system.