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View Full Version : Insurance/Legislation

28-02-2009, 01:01 PM
Hi Guys, new to the "Forum", I was just wondering if anyone out there can tell me what I would need to set up Insurance wise, as I am considering setting up on my own.
So if I can get an idea I can work out costs involved etc, ie Vehicle Insurance (do i need to declare carrying chemicals, or does it fall under buisness/commercial use?) Public Liability etc, etc and any other that anyone would like to flag up.
Thanx in advance for all help, most appreciated.


28-02-2009, 10:03 PM
Hi Steve,
I have public liability @£2m and employer @10m this cost approx £600 annual. The premium depends on where you work (airports etc attract a big premium) and if you are regularly carrying out hot work and working at height. I had a commercial insurance on a van and this was approx £5oo. It is best to talk to an adviser experienced in commercial insurance as even an innocent oversight would be seen as a non disclosure.
Good luck

01-03-2009, 12:16 PM
it aint cheep best to shop around though