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07-04-2004, 03:34 PM
Those who are often on this site knows that my wife has a tea-room.
We introduced a guestbook (gastenboek in Dutch) on it.
Last news on www.claeverbilck.be under Nieuws (= news) and the 1st message Ciske van 't Hoogveld.
As you already has noticed - i think- my wife's favorit animal is a cow and one of her dreams was to join a birth of a little cow.
I also love cows (slices of it) when they're in my plate with French fries. :D
She told this to some of her clients - some of them are retired farmers - and two weeks ago, she got a phone from one of them that she must come in a hurry.
She took one of my overalls and went quick to the farm. The rest you can see in the photo's.
Will you sign her guestbook under Gastenboek. There were already Dutch guests who live in New Zealand and Canada.
This will give her guestbook an international character.she's not ware that I'm promoting worldwide her business.

I know, ith as nothing to do with refrigeartion but she has an airco and a freezer in her tea-room, so that's the relation to this group :) ;)

There are also pictures of last caranval, some weeks ago and you know how they were dressed??? Have a look.

07-04-2004, 07:54 PM
nice one peter

consider it done..



10-04-2004, 04:02 PM
Come on guys, 32 views an only a couple of them signed her guestbook.

10-04-2004, 04:19 PM

Do we get free tea and buns :)