View Full Version : Panda

02-12-2008, 10:56 AM
A giant Panda escapes from London Zoo and while on the run one night finds himself in a red light area.
A lady of the night who was having a "slow" time slinks over to the bemused bear and says "Hey Panda, wanna do me a favour?"
"sure" replies the bear - not wishing to offend.
"well" continues the lady "things have been a bit quiet tonight and I've never had sex with an animal before. Would you like to help me out and fulfill a fantasy of mine please?"
The delighted bear answers "Listen lady I'm a Giant panda and we really dont get much sex at all, so you'll be doing me a favour too - where shall we go?"
"Follow me" replies the harlot and off they go.
When they arrive at her Thameside apartment the bear suddenly asks "Lady, before we go at it can I have something eat? They would only give me Bamboo in the Zoo and it tastes bloody awful"
"Of course I will. I'll fix you a full english breakfast, then we can go into the bedroom".
True to her word the Panda has the most amazing meal. As he finishes the lady says "bedtime" and leads our hero into the bedroom where they work off all the meals calories and some.
When the gymnastics are over the lady rolls over and says "Thats £100, please."
"Why?" asks the startled mammal.
"Because, silly, I'm a prostitute."
"Whats one of those?" quizes our chap.
The lady gets off the bed & fetches a dictionary hands it to the Panda (open at the correct page) and the panda reads "prostitue - person who takes payment, usually money, for sexual favours".
The Panda then paws his way a bit further then says "Well in that case, I'm off, ta for the meal."
"But you havent paid," declares the whore.
"Just read about Pandas," says the bear and with that he disappears into the night, never to be seen again.
The hooker goes over to the open book and reads
"Panda - Giant black and white bear native to Asia - eats shoots and leaves". :D